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Profile European Cultural and Technological Center Maribor | Civic Europe

European Cultural and Technological Center Maribor

European Cultural and Technological Center Maribor

Environment and sustainability

Liquid Harmony

Water is a common good, rivers know no borders, therefore they belong to all. Water Democracy aims to empower citizens and NGOs to be actively involved in decision making and management regarding thi…
Community development

Little Citizens, Big Changes

Our summer camp promotes civic education among young people through involvement, dialogue, and volunteering in their local area. We aim for the local initiative group development and its involvement …
Community development

Loading love

LGBTI lives matters and we would like to build and strenght community of LGBTI people and via storytelling we will bring their lives closer to majority. We will spread stories of people from past and…
Environment and sustainability

Local Action - Global Impact!

The forestation will constitute our response to the Global Warming phenomenon. …
Community development

Local Cocoons to “Entre” Butterflies

Connect students nationwide with small communities in Greek islands, where locals have no/little exposure to entrepreneurship & engage them in joint working groups based on their interests & expertis…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Local Food 4 Local Economy

Tired of watching the global food supply chains dictate what to eat and aware of the huge impact that food and transportation have on Portugal's ecological footprint, a non governmental organization …
Community development

Local ombudsman for strong and active community

People from small villages in the country often remain away from government and local authorities’ sight. Their access to participation in decision making process, social services, health care, cultu…
Social inclusion

Local Rainbow Connections

LGBTI people come from all walks of life and live in different local communities. In order to empower them to become active citizens, they need different safer spaces where they can focus on their id…

Loud voices for strong democracy

Now,more than ever,civil society must put their efforts into protecting and promoting the democratic and European values.The project is offering young people from underserved regions access to knowl…
European Cultural and Technological Center Maribor commented: Thank you! Greetings from Slovenia. Jelena
on Very interesting and useful project, congrats!
European Cultural and Technological Center Maribor commented: Hvala, podpiramo vas že od začetka dragi sodržavl…
on Podpiram, vabim vas, da pogledate tudi našo idejo :)
European Cultural and Technological Center Maribor commented: Dear colleagues! We are both committed to the sus…
on Root yourself
European Cultural and Technological Center Maribor commented: Dear colleagues! We are both committed to the sus…