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Profile European Cultural and Technological Center Maribor | Civic Europe

European Cultural and Technological Center Maribor

European Cultural and Technological Center Maribor

Social inclusion

Active Roma citizens – effective policies

Mobilizing the Roma citizens to engage in dialogue with authorities is the only way to make the Roma inclusion policies work. Challenging the Roma isolation from macro-society we will involve 15 Roma…
Community development

Active today for a better tomorrow

Croatian region of Slavonija has faced many challenging situations over the last 30 years. The result of hardships is depopulation, followed by lack of positive attitude, inovation, networking and pu…
Social inclusion


Our project will be based in 15-20 parishes of Barcelos, where girls and women from rural areas and from marginalized communities (Roma, immigrant background) will take part in actions that permit th…

Active Youth for Razlog Municipality

The main challenge of our idea is to awaken the youth of the region to the notion of democracy and how they can be more active and help the development of the local community. The activities include …
Environment and sustainability

ACT NOW-Active citizens for sustainable community

Climate crisis is affecting many Europeans. Although the Europe's energy market is undergoing a transition towards a decentralized model based on renewable energy, such process is not present in Croa…
Arts and cultural activities

A fairer world through the theater.

The main objective is to transmit to Segovian society, through theater, the importance of contributing together to the construction of a fairer society. The project tries to involve all the society t…
Social inclusion

A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed

The COVID-19 crisis has once again proved that Roma communities may be poor in money, but rich in empathy and solidarity. No one was left without food, water or medicine during the crisis, thanks to …

Against Hate Speech

The goal of the project is to raise the youth’s awareness and knowledge on the topic of human rights and counteracting the negative phenomena, such as hate speech, lack of tolerance, antisemitism etc…

Agora Debate

In today's world of crisis and social isolation, one of the ways to preserve the civil, political, social and cultural rights of citizens remains information and communication technologies. The proje…
European Cultural and Technological Center Maribor commented: Thank you! Greetings from Slovenia. Jelena
on Very interesting and useful project, congrats!
European Cultural and Technological Center Maribor commented: Hvala, podpiramo vas že od začetka dragi sodržavl…
on Podpiram, vabim vas, da pogledate tudi našo idejo :)
European Cultural and Technological Center Maribor commented: Dear colleagues! We are both committed to the sus…
on Root yourself
European Cultural and Technological Center Maribor commented: Dear colleagues! We are both committed to the sus…