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Profile Dom poznania | Civic Europe

Dom poznania

Dom poznania

Community development


Many initiatives across Eu Countries allowed Youth to be more engaged and aware about the relevance of debate as for both individual daily life-styles and complex evolution of globalizing economies. …
Arts and cultural activities | Community development

Re imagine

Re imagine is a creative concept space,connecting cultural heritage in a way of visual art.And built to work with young people get acquainted with the traditions and culture of Croatia. Focus on crea…
Arts and cultural activities


Today photography is an alternate language we all communicate in on a daily basis. In Bulgaria, outside the big cities, there is no access to any form of photography education. Even in the big cit…
Social inclusion

See You in Agora (See You in Aγορά)

At the Taranto Chamber of Commerce we bring together donor bodies and local associations to finance their ideas, promote Europlanning with seminars on Eu programming and public/private cooperation, v…
Social inclusion | Community development

Symbios - shared housing

The project deals with the problem of the transition of young adults from institutional care to independent living. We provide shared living in the flat house, where each flat is shared by one studen…
Community development


LabR is a pilot project to be implemented in Castilla la Mancha, one of the Spanish regions most affected by rural depopulation. By combining customary social science methods (interviews or desk rese…
Social inclusion


Our goal is to set up a network of co-creation contents with different groups in Beiras e Serra da Estrela, countryside of Portugal. We aim to reflect and dialogue about diversity through self and co…


BLACK on WHITE aims at offering to middle schools the possibility to share social and civic problems through the drawing up a school newspaper, made by students for students. The approach to achieve …


To build a transition community platform for economic social and educational change with active citizenship based on the sociocracy and neighborocracy model, through the main actions. Create a cooper…
Dom poznania commented: Great project idea! We are interested in future c…
on Islands of Hope
Dom poznania commented: Great project idea! We are interested in future c…
on We make our path!
Dom poznania commented: Great project idea! We are interested in future c…
on Life & Career
Dom poznania commented: Great project idea! We are interested in future c…
on Local Cocoons to “Entre” Butterflies
Dom poznania commented: Great project idea! We are interested in future c…
on A Dream to start again
Dom poznania commented: Great project idea! We are interested in future c…
on Dialogues: between sex work and prostitution.
Dom poznania commented: Great project idea! We are interested in future c…
on Progress the educational system in Czech