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Profile Dom poznania | Civic Europe

Dom poznania

Dom poznania


To build a transition community platform for economic social and educational change with active citizenship based on the sociocracy and neighborocracy model, through the main actions. Create a cooper…
Community development

FSF Knowledge Bus

There is a lot of talk and projects to empower women, but most of them happen in centers of knowledge and power - in big cities. Women on the outskirts or in rural areas are left to fend for themselv…


In Slovakia, we desperately need to reform our educational system. It is even more obvious now, when challenged by an unprecedented crisis. The call for change has to come mainly from the parents. Th…
Community development

Future rural entrepreneurs, Europe needs you!

Like many other countries in SE Europe, rural Croatia is facing existential depopulation. Croatia is losing youth rapidly. Mostly they go to work in western countries. Therefore, there is a significa…
Social inclusion | Community development


GARUM (name of ancient roman dish) challenge is to enhance shared values of quotidian life. The living heritage of the art of cooking by our grandmothers is our Adriatic maritime plural identity.The…
Community development

Go más allá! : you can do whatever you wish!

We aim to encourage youth to participate actively in their communities by providing them the skills needed. They will be trained on abilities about living in a global, intercultural and diverse socie…

Growing 2gether

The joys and responsibilities of parenthood are not shared equally in our society. Within this project we aim to target and put in focus need of shared parenting and caregiving among millenials and b…
Community development

“I AM WE” project

Creating a digital interactive infrastructure - a new environment for online communication between representatives of local NGOs, Municipality, Social Entrepreneurs in small settlements and Academies…
Arts and cultural activities | Social inclusion

Investigative learning for the future

Children and youngsters with learning difficulties have significantly more problems with learning than their peers and are therefor many times left behind in the educational and later social or socie…
Dom poznania commented: Great project idea! We are interested in future c…
on Islands of Hope
Dom poznania commented: Great project idea! We are interested in future c…
on We make our path!
Dom poznania commented: Great project idea! We are interested in future c…
on Life & Career
Dom poznania commented: Great project idea! We are interested in future c…
on Local Cocoons to “Entre” Butterflies
Dom poznania commented: Great project idea! We are interested in future c…
on A Dream to start again
Dom poznania commented: Great project idea! We are interested in future c…
on Dialogues: between sex work and prostitution.
Dom poznania commented: Great project idea! We are interested in future c…
on Progress the educational system in Czech