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Profile Association Delta | Civic Europe

Association Delta

Association Delta

Social inclusion

Forgotten Kids

Kids of prisoners are hidden victims of their parent’s crime, lost in the system, forgotten. But their parent’s crime negatively influences their whole lives. MVS offers appropriate help to these kid…
Community development

Help rural youth find their inner civic self

Ana, 14, lives in rural Transylvania. She just got her ID but has no idea of its use. She often hears adults regretting Ceausescu’s era and criticizing Romania’s EU membership. She checks every indi…
Arts and cultural activities


Croatian islands are recognised as inactive and neglected communities, and the most affected are children and youth. Without good investments in the development of the quality of life on these island…
Community development

It takes a village to raise a child

Vulnerable children across Romania are being left behind during COVID 19 crisis. They don’t have access to education, basic supplies, information related to prevention of COVID. And the longer child…

Let's go beyond borders

The project aims to prevent and combat the spread of online hate speech and disinformation through media literacy education and initiatives of young people from the regions of Sofia and Vidin. We wo…
Social inclusion

Let’s play TABOO – forbidden words

Homosexuality, racism, sex education, feminism, home violence, the death penalty, are forbidden words but not for us. „Let’s play TABOO” is a project that is not afraid to raise the taboo subject. …
Community development

No limit for Youth Democracy

Rural areas are facing a challenge: the depopulation of youngsters due to overall dissatisfaction with the quality of life. Absence of cultural life strikes youth seriously. Conservative democratic s…
Social inclusion

Refugee empowerment through food

Project Armonia is a free-restaurant run by refugees, for refugees. We provide the vital nutrition, dignity and basic human rights refugees and asylum seekers are often denied. We prepare 1000 meals …
Social inclusion

See You in Agora (See You in Aγορά)

At the Taranto Chamber of Commerce we bring together donor bodies and local associations to finance their ideas, promote Europlanning with seminars on Eu programming and public/private cooperation, v…