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Profile Aequator Institute | Civic Europe

Aequator Institute

Aequator Institute

Social inclusion

Chance for the "Invisible" Children

Part of the children in the Region of Plovdiv are “invisible” and have been neglected for too long. Our research shows that they have limited access to social services and early education and that no…

Democratic education for active citizens

High schools play a pivotal role in fostering active citizenship. Objective of the project is to develop a civic education programme based on blended learning and learning-by-doing methodologies for …
Social inclusion

Building bridges

Our main goal is to ensure equal opportunities and promote social inclusion among socially vulnerable families and children from Torrent (Valencia, Spain), using a Youth Centre as a means to engage v…
Social inclusion

Changemakers for Migration

To change the narrative around migration from “takers” to “makers” by identifying, connecting and supporting changemakers and social innovators with a migrant perspective. This will also make their c…
Community development

CivicKit:Empowering disengaged citizens to ACTion!

We would like to design and implement a Civicmobil (such as a civic education and vocational coaching caravan) for rural areas of Romania. Creating a community of Romanian future change makers by ena…

Citizens’ Jury as new model for Direct Democracy

We aim to involve DIRECTLY the citizens in the decision-making level and to give a chance for EVERY woman and man to be heard. We shall give a chance for all, including those who feel excluded, beca…
Social inclusion | Community development

Connecting Romania

During the pandemic a gap has been created: a gap between the ones that have access to the internet and proper devices and the ones that do not. We want to decrease the gap by ensuring the basic nece…
Community development

DisCO: A Toolkit for Radical Workplace Democracy

To create radically democratic cooperatives, people need access to practical methods, tools and knowledge. DisCO provides these learning experiences. Using feminist economic principles and P2P techno…

FRagile to AGILE Community (R)Evolution

To reduce division and isolation, residents, NGOs, local government and institutions as local stakeholders need to learn and start co-creating sustainable development contexts. We'll work together, f…
Aequator Institute commented: Petia, we strongly support your project. It is v…
on “I AM WE” project
Aequator Institute commented: Guys, we strongly support your project. We are a…
on Human rights defenders across the country
Aequator Institute commented: Guys, very interesting advanced project, and espe…
on HumanBodyText
Aequator Institute commented: Guys, good luck with your project. There should b…
on How to survive a democracy?
Aequator Institute commented: Guys, you are facing a very challenging, yet prai…
on How to speak publicly – the civil society language
Aequator Institute commented: Guys, great idea! We strongly support your proje…
Aequator Institute commented: Guys, Guys, you are facing a very challenging, ye…
on Heroes are close to you!
Aequator Institute commented: Agne, Virginia and Jordi, you are facing a very c…
on Hello Neighbour
Aequator Institute commented: Guys, very interesting idea, and great cover. We …
Aequator Institute commented: Guys, we support your project. Good luck from S…
on Growing Together