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Profile Aequator Institute | Civic Europe

Aequator Institute

Aequator Institute

Social inclusion


Throughout the summer of 2021 we are going to organize summer programming school for children aged 12-18. The school will take place in the 5 biggest cities in the Northwest of Bulgaria - Pleven, Mon…


The aim of our project is to support our community, our city and municipality during Coronavirus outbreak via enhanced digital transformation, digital competences and skills focused on the needs of p…
Social inclusion

Dinami: Empowering local & refugee youth in Greece

Greek and refugee youth face many challenges building their futures, including a lack of learning and work opportunities. Dinami brings these two communities together through expressive, vocational, …
Community development

DisCO: A Toolkit for Radical Workplace Democracy

To create radically democratic cooperatives, people need access to practical methods, tools and knowledge. DisCO provides these learning experiences. Using feminist economic principles and P2P techno…
Social inclusion


Small villages in Crete are often characterized by strong community cohesion but limited openness to otherness in terms of disability, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. The project is based on the im…
Social inclusion

Diversify the cultural heritage together

Our challenge is to change how visionally impaired and blind people are living-within an environment filled with stereotypes, inequality and lack of opportunity-by using culture and its innate power …
Arts and cultural activities

Diversity is a treasure, not an issue

In ethnically divided Vukovar we will face a challenge to change local/national mindset that Vukovar is a “case”, an “issue”, and provoke local citizens’ active participation on promotion of their de…
Arts and cultural activities | Community development


Our goal is to introduce a contemporary art to a culturally secluded rural society. Contemporary artistic activities are concentrated in the urban space. We would like to incorporate them into a peri…

Dolphin Project - commons for future generations

The project aims to create an infrastructure for the implementation of popular sovereignty, open to individuals and networks that have constitutional and ecological values. The platform is the instru…
Aequator Institute commented: Petia, we strongly support your project. It is v…
on “I AM WE” project
Aequator Institute commented: Guys, we strongly support your project. We are a…
on Human rights defenders across the country
Aequator Institute commented: Guys, very interesting advanced project, and espe…
on HumanBodyText
Aequator Institute commented: Guys, good luck with your project. There should b…
on How to survive a democracy?
Aequator Institute commented: Guys, you are facing a very challenging, yet prai…
on How to speak publicly – the civil society language
Aequator Institute commented: Guys, great idea! We strongly support your proje…
Aequator Institute commented: Guys, Guys, you are facing a very challenging, ye…
on Heroes are close to you!
Aequator Institute commented: Agne, Virginia and Jordi, you are facing a very c…
on Hello Neighbour
Aequator Institute commented: Guys, very interesting idea, and great cover. We …
Aequator Institute commented: Guys, we support your project. Good luck from S…
on Growing Together