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Profile ALPE ADRIA GREEN | Civic Europe


Community development

Empowering youth citizenship for stronger future

In Bulgaria, youngsters (15–29) have limited opportunities for a diverse life and personal development in a suitable informal environment. Many of them are unfamiliar with the youth centers. Our idea…
Social inclusion

Let’s play TABOO – forbidden words

Homosexuality, racism, sex education, feminism, home violence, the death penalty, are forbidden words but not for us. „Let’s play TABOO” is a project that is not afraid to raise the taboo subject. …
Community development

Life after CoOalL - The Mine of Democracy

The transformation of Silesia, the largest mining region in Europe, is taking place now, but without the active participation of the local mining community. Instead of strikes and smoking tyres, we w…
Arts and cultural activities


LUNGO DROM, in romani, means long journey. This proposal aims at building a long road to democratization of the knowledge about Roma Culture and History in the region. It develops through workshops o…
Community development | Education and research

Mediation in the School - the Power of Dialog

Our ideas and goals for the project participants are to use mediation methods in the school with their classmates, teachers, parents, and friends. Conflicts at school can cause bullying. Through the …
Community development

Move your finger

The project comes from the need young people to learn to organize and look for answers to the problems they face. The key and reason for success is that youth will participate in every aspect of the …
Arts and cultural activities

Nikola Tesla Network

The main challenge is the ignorance of citizens about the work and life of genius Nikola Tesla, without whom and his scientific breakthroughs life today might have been utterly different for the whol…
Community development

No Pain No Gain

With the help os the sport, like a „gate activity”, we will involve and motivate the young persons and their family of the surrounding small settlements, that let a part be taken in the community lif…
Environment and sustainability

Rainwater belongs to the garden not to the canal

Because we considered the rain to be unnecessary, we took it to the rivers through canals and thus disrupted small water cycles. An average of 1% of water is lost every year. People do not realize th…