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Profile ЮНИТИ | Civic Europe



Community development

Local Community Map

Small regions of Bulgaria suffer from low population, insufficient work opportunities and inactive and ineffective local communities. We want to change this by building an environment where everyone …

How to speak publicly – the civil society language

Creating and conducting an educational course based on political and social sciences for young professionals from different areas. The course will emphasize on the process of formulating and creating…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Possible life

In the vast changing World we need a new way of reinventing food, education, health and social collaborations. Possible life network is new type of shared economy, sustainable development and transfe…
Social inclusion | Community development

Public dialogue

The project will implement a participatory process in Montecchio Maggiore (VI), involving citizens including multicultural communities, to fight social isolation and lack of participation. A multidis…
Arts and cultural activities | Social inclusion

Clown Care

The vulnerable individuals with different special care and different degrees of disability, experience the encounter with the clown through the play. Professional artists, through openness and availa…
Arts and cultural activities

Diversity is a treasure, not an issue

In ethnically divided Vukovar we will face a challenge to change local/national mindset that Vukovar is a “case”, an “issue”, and provoke local citizens’ active participation on promotion of their de…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Participatory knowledge for better policy making

We have castles, rivers, ancient farmhouses and beautiful rural landscapes. And also achieved some environmental records. But few uf us know it. How could that happen? There was a time when the 'big …
Community development

TARARAINA Social & Rural democratic investing

Rural development policies based on economic criteria in Spain have proven not to work. These policies have aggravated depopulation and dependence of many rural areas on unsustainable economic models…
Social inclusion

47+50: the right to an adequate home to grow older

Our initiative fosters both active aging and active citizenship by defending the enforcement of two fundamental rights: to enjoy worthy and adequate housing (article 47 of the Spanish Constitution) a…
ЮНИТИ commented: Good luck!
on Be Involved
ЮНИТИ commented: Good luck!
on Together for greener future.
ЮНИТИ commented: Good luck!
on Disability in the Polish employment reality
ЮНИТИ commented: Success in the endeavor!
on Sardinia green route to EU
ЮНИТИ commented:
on Sardinia green route to EU
ЮНИТИ commented: You have our support. Good luck!
on Sardinia green route to EU
ЮНИТИ added a new idea IOT
to Idea Challenge 2021
ЮНИТИ commented: We Support You! Dear Colleague, Your idea is grea…
on Zerowaste Tomorrow