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Profile ЮНИТИ | Civic Europe



Community development

Space for Action

“Space for Action” is a year-long project aiming to train 24 (12 teams of 2) teenagers from different rural areas of Poland to become more socially engaged residents of their communities and beyond. …
Arts and cultural activities

Space of Opportunities

How to attract undermotivated, overburdened youth with a community? We take up this challenge to create a space where along informal education young people develop their skills and thus overcome dive…
Community development


Rakova Jelša is the southernmost quarter of Ljubljana, which has indications of segregation, is still lacking some basic infrastructure & services and has low levels of political participation. With …

Spark in your heart

There is an increasing gap between citizens and governing bodies in Hungary. Our citizens must have more direct voice in politics. ICT’s offer ways to make the EU a living democracy. We see Random-Sa…
Community development


The RURAL is being left behind. Its voice fades out, struggling to reach urban administrations. People lost motivation, stuck between waiting for a Government they don’t trust anymore and daring to i…
Community development

SPLETISHA-The Voice of Womenpreneurs

More and more women are entering the world of entrepreneurship – giving them the opportunity to be more independent and could balance their work-life activities easier. But at the same time only few …
Community development

Spreading creative stories for local communities

Our mobile science center will empower 50 different smallest Slovenian municipalities and schools with accessible on-site production of science spaces for critical thinking through creative and resea…
Community development

Spreading positive and lasting solutions for human

Our goal of this project is to advice positive objective solutions never seen before for better economic-democratic-cultural life and well being for citizens of Slovenia, and after that for whole Eu…
Arts and cultural activities | Social inclusion


Our project gives a voice to those, who often can’t be heard. We’ll activate people with mental health issues and those going through psychosocial rehabilitation, especially from towns with low civic…
ЮНИТИ commented: Good luck!
on Be Involved
ЮНИТИ commented: Good luck!
on Together for greener future.
ЮНИТИ commented: Good luck!
on Disability in the Polish employment reality
ЮНИТИ commented: Success in the endeavor!
on Sardinia green route to EU
ЮНИТИ commented:
on Sardinia green route to EU
ЮНИТИ commented: You have our support. Good luck!
on Sardinia green route to EU
ЮНИТИ added a new idea IOT
to Idea Challenge 2021
ЮНИТИ commented: We Support You! Dear Colleague, Your idea is grea…
on Zerowaste Tomorrow