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Profile ЮНИТИ | Civic Europe



Environment and sustainability

No Excuse Activists

Local units are made of young people who want to make positive change in local environment in the areas of public health (tobacco, alcohol, cannabis, mental health, healthy lifestyle), youth particip…
Community development

No limit for Youth Democracy

Rural areas are facing a challenge: the depopulation of youngsters due to overall dissatisfaction with the quality of life. Absence of cultural life strikes youth seriously. Conservative democratic s…
Community development

No Pain No Gain

With the help os the sport, like a „gate activity”, we will involve and motivate the young persons and their family of the surrounding small settlements, that let a part be taken in the community lif…
Social inclusion


Stop the fear! Stop our self isolation out of shame for our personal history and experience. The project is comin from idea »Osebno je posebno« = »Personal is precious« It is raising …
Social inclusion


OBSERVA.FES is an observatory for Ethical and Solidarity Finance in Portugal. An online space, where people from different contexts interact, work and learn together to promoting, disseminating and d…
Environment and sustainability

Ocean Awareness Tours in Ria Formosa

What better place to learn about our oceans and shores, their importance and what can be done to protect them, than one of the most unique coastal lagoons in Europe? This is what we'll do in Ria Form…
Community development

OD for Civil leaders in North- East Hungary

We want to take the attitude and tools of organizational development to civil organizations in North- East Hungary. As these means primarily belong to the forprofit world, civil organisations especia…
Environment and sustainability | Community development

#oikeiôlogy. Practices on Natural Mythologies

Oikeiôlogy takes place in Thesprotia, Greece, an area of dispersed pastoral communities, mythical topologies and rough topography, that is now jeopardised due to the new environmental bill that puts …
Environment and sustainability | Community development

Oltenia de sub Munte UNESCO Geopark

Our project targets an area that, although very rich in natural and cultural resources, is economically poor, socially disadvantaged, without opportunities, with an aging population and high rate of …
ЮНИТИ commented: Good luck!
on Be Involved
ЮНИТИ commented: Good luck!
on Together for greener future.
ЮНИТИ commented: Good luck!
on Disability in the Polish employment reality
ЮНИТИ commented: Success in the endeavor!
on Sardinia green route to EU
ЮНИТИ commented:
on Sardinia green route to EU
ЮНИТИ commented: You have our support. Good luck!
on Sardinia green route to EU
ЮНИТИ added a new idea IOT
to Idea Challenge 2021
ЮНИТИ commented: We Support You! Dear Colleague, Your idea is grea…
on Zerowaste Tomorrow