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Profile ЮНИТИ | Civic Europe



How to speak publicly – the civil society language

Creating and conducting an educational course based on political and social sciences for young professionals from different areas. The course will emphasize on the process of formulating and creating…
Social inclusion

How to survive a democracy?

The Project will contribute to democracy empowerment in patriarchal Dalmatia County in Croatia, protection and promotion of basic human rights and enhancing active citizenship through empowerment of …
Community development


In the HBT project we are creating a well-equipped community studio for young vloggers, podcasters, bloggers with 24/7 access. We help participants become familiar with the responsibility and techniq…

Human rights defenders across the country

Outside of Budapest small groups or lonely activists stand up for their community without the support network of a vibrant civil society. This project strives to foster civic engagement through suppo…
Community development

“I AM WE” project

Creating a digital interactive infrastructure - a new environment for online communication between representatives of local NGOs, Municipality, Social Entrepreneurs in small settlements and Academies…
Community development

I FOR US TOO. We build our city cronicle.

Our city is one of the oldest city in Europe. It has not had its chronicler for at least 150 years. Can we write our future - tomorrow's history - by ourselves? In this project we are going to form …
Social inclusion | Community development

If you dream about a better world, come to Cinesia

We are building a space in the south of Madrid that promotes neighborhood development and innovation. The social, urban, and economic situation of the neighborhood, and Villaverde district, has made…
Social inclusion


The idea is aimed to build solidarity, connections and strengthening socially excluded groups by organizing specific activities of support which are missing in the local community (helping the elderl…
Arts and cultural activities | Social inclusion

IMIS - Intelligent Migrant Integration System

The proposal intends to create an app backed by a website that will work as a local grass-route social network for cultural interactions. IMIS will focus on migrants, developing and implementing a cu…
ЮНИТИ commented: Good luck!
on Be Involved
ЮНИТИ commented: Good luck!
on Together for greener future.
ЮНИТИ commented: Good luck!
on Disability in the Polish employment reality
ЮНИТИ commented: Success in the endeavor!
on Sardinia green route to EU
ЮНИТИ commented:
on Sardinia green route to EU
ЮНИТИ commented: You have our support. Good luck!
on Sardinia green route to EU
ЮНИТИ added a new idea IOT
to Idea Challenge 2021
ЮНИТИ commented: We Support You! Dear Colleague, Your idea is grea…
on Zerowaste Tomorrow