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Profile Časoris | Civic Europe



(Social) Entrepreneurship | Social inclusion

Social eco-certified peri-urban farming

Food that we consume is now become less and less healthy due the the heavy use of pesticides. Food also often travels thousands of kilometers to reach our plates. In the meantime, there is available…
Social inclusion


In these difficult times, especially now during COVID-19 pandemic, people need company and someone to talk to or someone to listen to them. Loneliness and social isolation are serious public health r…
Education and research

Teaching Teachers to Teach Citizens

Tolerance, respect for others, defence of democratic values are notions that we gain at home. If we don´t, we can still learn them at school. But it´s much more difficult. It´s why we need the best t…
Social inclusion


The LIFEBOOK is urgent campaign for preserving memories of elderly residents in depopulated settlements. In a global situation of rapid changes and direct life threat to the elderly, we need to resto…
Arts and cultural activities

The women of my town – Remembering women’s stories

Why are most of the Croatian cities “male”? We want to provoke young people in small towns to reconsider and research the role of women in their local history. Based on the research findings, a graph…
Social inclusion

Virtual reality for a decent job “Virtual DS”

VS VIRTUAL is a training programme that uses Supported Employment methodology and VR technology to promote the employability of people with Down syndrome and intellectual disability. They will be tr…
Community development

Walk with Me

How do you feel when you cross the glance of a homeless? Do you loathe the homeless? How can we change the narrative around homeless? Walk with me involve 45 citizens in a participative workshop resu…

Without You, there is no Us

We started membership program 5 months ago. Establishing a two-way relationship with public is key to rebuilding trust in journalism & engaging citizens to become active participants in the public de…
Community development | Social inclusion

Women of Change

We want to answer the challenge of women discrimination, including domestic violence, by creating time and space where women from different social and cultural background can meet together, develop, …
Časoris added a new idea The Invisible Children
to Idea Challenge 2021
Časoris commented: Hello, congratulations on your project, we really…
on Lessons from the Past to Build a Better Future
Časoris commented: Hello, congratulations on your project, we really…
on Virtual reality for a decent job “Virtual DS”
Časoris commented: Hello, congratulations on your project, we really…
Časoris commented: Hello, congratulations on your project, we really…
on Parents in Prison, Children at School
Časoris commented: Hello, congratulations on your project, we really…
on HumanBodyText
Časoris commented: Hello, congratulations on your project, we really…
on My Friend Shuraleh
Časoris commented: Hello, congratulations on your project, we really…
on It takes a village to raise a child
Časoris commented: Hello, congratulations on your project, we really…
on Media Literacy Academy for Seniors
Časoris commented: Hello, congratulations on your project, we really…
on Islands