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Imprint | Civic Europe


Mandatory details pursuant § 5 TMG

MitOst e.V.
Herzbergstraße 82-84
10365 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)30 31 51 74 79
Email: info(at)

Board of directors:
Sofia Corsi (1. Chairperson)
Ivo Krug (2. Chairperson)
Yasmin Ouberri (Treasurer)
Liubov Kuznetsova (Assessor)
Joanna Nowosad (Assessor)
Hanna Kishkurna (Assessor)

Registered in the registry of associations of the local court Berlin-Charlottenburg
Registry number: VR 19281 B
VAT identification number:

Responsible for content in terms of press law and § 18 MDStV (Mediendienstestaatsvertrag): Sofia Corsi, Herzbergstraße 82-84, 10365 Berlin, Germany

For editorial contributions which are identified by name, the responsibility in terms of press law lies with the authors.

Out-of-court Dispute Resolution:

We are neither obliged nor willing to participate in consumer dispute resolution proceedings.

Web design, corporate design & visuals

Olga Zarko - corporate design, web design, visuals

Aileen Dietrich & Carlotta Weiser, actu&tactu - web design, visuals

Erica Brisson - visuals

Technical responsibility

Liquid Democracy e. V. has the technical responsibility for this website.
The Civic Europe platform is an open source project.