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Za Vaš lepši dan | Civic Europe
Social inclusion

Za Vaš lepši dan

For your better day


Who is behind this?

Nina Stegmüller

Mladinski svet Ljutomer - MSL



Idea pitch

We perceive that many elderly people who are alone do not like to be involved in institutional care and prefer to stay at home. Many are still vital, but have no one to keep them company. Given the financial situation in our country, most seniors who do not want to leave their own home cannot afford a person for company to make it easier to spend lonely days. We perceive that some prefer to be in the company of an individual, so a personal companion for the elderly would be very helpful.

Where will your project idea take place?

Slovenia, region of Prlekija, Ljutomer.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

In the local area, the project integrates people into the current society, enables the connection and sharing of personal experiences, is modern with time. Loneliness is something we are increasingly facing nowadays, and with the project we want to eliminate at least a little bit of it. In MSL we are already cooperating with the Center for Social Work and the Red Cross, we will connect even more and ask for help in finding people who need our help in this form, which we will provide through the implementation of the project. The project is innovative, as there is no such thing in our local and regional community yet. It is innovative in the field of getting to know people, resolving distressed problems and will primarily prevent them.

Who are you doing it for?

We want to carry out the project for vulnerable groups, for people who need our help, for older people.

How do you plan to get there?

The employee will lead, coordinate and train / motivate volunteers for this type of work. He will attend individual visits with volunteers and also offer companionship himself. The mission of our employees will be to help and make individuals happy, to give motivation and incentives for a quality life, to give smiles when people think that everything is over. The project will be a roadmap for further work, the funded project will make it easier to realize our project idea and monitor the results through ongoing evaluation. We expect that after the completion of the project, people will continue to be interested in our work and the companion we will offer. With the idea, we want to overcome and reduce the number of vulnerable groups.

What are the expected results?

With the project, we will enable people to spend their time better, we will prevent loneliness. We hope that the result of the project will be happier elderly people and those in need.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Our idea connects people and gives vulnerable groups and the elderly the opportunity to feel included that we have not forgotten about them. With the project, we want to give young people from the local environment the opportunity to learn something new and later transfer this knowledge to others. We do not discriminate, we are ready to include in the project anyone who is willing to offer their free time and spend it usefully with those who need it most - vulnerable groups, older people.

Why is this idea important to you?

This idea is important to us because we believe that each of us needs someone around us and has the right to be happy and spend their free time with quality. On a daily basis, we meet people who need help, maybe just a nice word or a smile a day, so with the help of the project we want to make it possible for them - a better, more beautiful and happier life.

€ 50,-

Total budget

€ 50,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Personnel costs: 25.000 €
Business car rental: 10.000 €
Office expenses: 5.000 €
Promotion: 2.000 €
Activity costs 5.000 €
Indirect costs 3.000 €



Idea created on May 16, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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