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Youth Empowerment in Rural Area | Civic Europe

Youth Empowerment in Rural Area


Who is behind this?

Alin Grigore

Federația Forumul Tinerilor din România


Who is joining forces?

Students Association of the University of Bucharest


"Dinicu Golescu"National College


Students' Union of Romania


Media partner - IQool, newspaper for young people.


Idea pitch

Youth Empowerment in Rural Area is a project that brings to the public agenda of Romanian entities (the vision of young people on areas that have a direct impact on them, especially the diversification and development of specific actions of volunteering, civic education and social involvement. 100 young people from Campulung Muscel will work during 7 days to represent the voice of all the young people from Romania.

Where will your project idea take place?

Campulung Muscel city, Arges country in south Romania region

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

In Campulung Muscel young people does not have access to different opportunities such as volunteering and active citizen activities. Last year, in 2019, we have a meeting with high schools students from this region and they told us that it is very difficult for them to be involved in community life because they don’t have many opportunities and even they have they don’t know how to access them. The pupils are very curious and we are sure that this kind of project, first project like this in their lives, will be a very good opportunity and it will help them to become active citizens.

Who are you doing it for?

During the project, 100 young people from Campulung Muscel will have the opportunity to work together in a non-formal education space, very different for what they learn at school. So the target group consists in high school young people aged between 16-19 years who live in Campulung Muscel and other villages near the city. They will have the opportunities to learn about active citizens, how to be active citizens and the methods and tools that they could use in order to identity the problems in their communities and to solve them. They will work during 7 days in teams and each team will analyse different situation and they do reports of their work. In the final day, during the Plenary Assembly we will present the general report about their work and after that we will d

How do you plan to get there?

We will establish a management plan, a project management team and during the project we will use a lot of non-formal education tools and methods in order to do the learning process very attractive for young people. If the project will be choose for financing we will update the Gantt Chart and all the activities and the step in order to implement the project. We will choose a project manager with experience and we will have a meeting with local institution and high schools from Campulung Muscel in order to start the implementation of the project. Also, we will do the financial plan and we will update it regularly. The team will choose different methods to cooperate and communicate, online and offline and we do reports about the implementation (one report once at 3 months).

What are the expected results?

100 young people from Campulung Muscel will learn about civic education, active citizenship, rule of law, democracy, right to vote, human rights and other important aspects related to strength the democratic spirit.
Raising awareness for 100 young people to become more active, to do volunteering activities and to be active in their community in order to solve a lot of problems that faced with it.
Creation and consolidation of a community of young people which live in the same city and they will have the power to change their lives and to contribute to the region development.
More than 5000 young people from Romania will be informed through online methods about the project idea.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Campulung Muscel was an industrial city and after the fall of communism regime in Romania and after the Romania become part of EU most of families choose to leave this city and to work abroad. Children don’t have many opportunities and in what concern the democracy and active citizenship they don’t know very much information because school doesn’t help them to understand how democracy function, what are their rights, what are their obligations and what means citizenship, even if we talk about national or European citizenship or we talk about active citizenship. More than that, the project idea come after we talk with the children from a High School from Campulung Muscel and we are sure that young people will be very happy to work with us in order to implement the idea.

Why is this idea important to you?

When we talk with high schools’ children from Campulung Muscel last year we see their desire to be involved in their community but was very difficult to understand a lot of terms and concept. So, in order to come back and to help them to improve their knowledge about democracy and civic education we want to implement the project idea and to give a good example for other communities.

€ 41650,-

Total budget

€ 41650,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Accodomation for staff during the implementation period (7 days in Campulung Muscel x 5 staff persons) - 2100€
Travel of participants and team project management - 2000€
Room rental and other relevant equipment for project implementation - 700€
Expenses for materials, flyers, banners, promotional materials such as t-shirts, pencils, trophies and so on - 3500 €
Coffee breaks and meals (110 portions x 7 days x 15 € ) - 11550 €
Trainers expanses - 5000€
Staff costs for 12 months - 16800€

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We are open-minded and we will be very happy to receive your feedback in order to improve our ideas. Thank you in advance!


Alin Grigore

Idea created on May 27, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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