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Youth Consulting Center “Active citizens” | Civic Europe

Youth Consulting Center “Active citizens”

Establishment of The Youth Consulting Center “Active citizens”


Who is behind this?

Mariyana Yorgova

Public-benefit nonprofit organization "Chance for all" the town of Smyadovo


Who is joining forces?

Municipality of Smyadovo


Community center "Bratstvo-1860"



Idea pitch

The lack of active citizenship is due to a lack of understanding about the policies pursued at European and local levels.The lack of understanding of these processes creates distrust, uncertainty in the future and a refusal to build and defend a civil position.The project aims to solve the problem by establishing a Youth Consultative Center.In the Center people will get acquainted with concepts such as democratic governance, civil rights, will participate in trainings, will implement campaigns

Where will your project idea take place?

In the town of Smyadovo, Smyadovo municipality, Shumen district, Northeastern Bulgaria.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

One of the main problems in Smyadovo municipality is the lack of interest of young people in public problems. We believe that this is due to the lack of sufficient information about the policies pursued, at local and national level, ignorance of fundamental human and civil rights. Currently, young people in the municipality of Smyadovo have to look for this information by themselves, as there is no organization directly involved in the processes of civic education of people. Therefore, we believe that the establishment of the Center will have a positive impact on young people, focusing their attention on the pursuit of personal development and active inclusion in social processes.

Who are you doing it for?

The core of our idea is the desire to meet young people who are ready to acquire knowledge on socially important topics, to build skills to deal with problems, to develop and increase their potential. That is why our idea to establish a Youth Counseling Center is focused on educating young people on various topics. For them, it will be an opportunity to gain knowledge and skills on current socially important topics, to generate and exchange ideas, to defend their civic position and to stand out as leaders. We expect 50 young people to take part in the trainings. The planned forums, round tables, information campaigns will be to the whole community, and we expect 200 people to take part.

How do you plan to get there?

The project envisages the establishment of a Youth Counseling Center, where young people will develop their knowledge and skills and will acquire key competencies necessary for active involvement in social processes. It is envisaged to appoint staff of the center who will be directly involved in the management of the planned activities.The project will conduct a number of trainings and workshops on various topics: democracy and human rights; European citizenship, civil rights and active citizenship; project development and management, career development and etc. The project will host a number of events and activities aimed at activating citizens to solve socially significant problems - information campaigns, forums, round tables, civic initiatives, open days in local structures and more.

What are the expected results?

With the implementation of the project we expect to achieve the following:
One furnished and equipped Youth Consulting Center hall for a staff of 2 people.
A project website presenting the activities of the center.
Successful inclusion of 50 young people as full participants in civil society.
15 participants successfully passed a training course for acquiring a professional qualification in a profession of public importance /Associate of social activities or others/.
Three external trainings /Each training is provided for 10 participants/
Successfully held events and events - trainings, information campaigns, forum, round tables, civic initiatives, open days.
200 participants involved in the events and activities.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The idea of the project is entirely aimed at increasing the interest of young people at the problems of the local community and their active involvement in the processes of solving them.The activities related to the implementation of the project include training of young people on current topics related to their future development, online information and counseling of young people on issues related to their interests and needs.The planned trainings and learning events aim at acquiring new knowledge, skills and key competencies in order to build leaders ready to defend the public interests.The partnership with Smyadovo Municipality will contribute to strengthen the interaction between the local government and the community people, which will have a positive impact.

Why is this idea important to you?

Our mission is to increase the young people’s interest at current problems of society and to provoke them for active participation in the processes of solving. The idea is important for us because we can help young people in their social integration through direct work with them, consultations and dissemination of information and more. Through creating of a democratic, tolerant and solidary society we would like to offer our help to eliminate discrimination against social groups or individuals by age, gender, religion, class, origin, etc. We also want to promote the integration of young people and their active participation in society and in the decision-making process through involving them in seminars, conferences, training and others, as well as participation in international programs.

€ 49700,-

Total budget

€ 49700,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Staff expenses- 13 300 €
Project organization and management team expenses- 8 500 €
Equipment and furniture of the Youth Counseling Center expenses- 9 200 €
Expenses for conducting outsourced trainings- 5 100 €
Events /forum; round table and various campaigns expenses/- 3 800 €
Publicity and information materials expenses- 1 500 €
Website development and design cost- 1 000 €
Materials and consumables cost- 1 200 €
Training costs- 1 500 €
Professional training expenses- 4 600 €

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We would be pleased to receive advice or recommendations which could have a positive impact on our idea and increase its potential.


Mariana Yorgova

Idea created on May 27, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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