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Your way to participate | Civic Europe
Community development, Youth participation and empowerment

Your way to participate

An innovative platform for democracy


Who is behind this?

Manuela Zhivkova

Parents Board of Science and Mathematics Secondary School



Idea pitch

Our idea is to create multicultural clubs in our community, uniting and creating opportunities for effective dialogue between teenagers. In this way the young active and purposeful people will be given the opportunity to share their ideas for the development of our town and region. Our main objective is inclusion of young people from both ethnic groups in common decision-making activities. The multicultural clubs will i encourage the young people to develop their competences.

Where will your project idea take place?

Vidin, north-western Bulgaria

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The Vidin region is one of the regions with the weakest indicators of income and standard of living. The figures, characteristic for the labor market are also bad and this combines with the low rate of direct foreign investments and population aging.
The active participation of the young people in decision-making and other social activities is very important in order to build a more democratic and prosperous society. The local authorities must support socio-cultural activities like youth clubs. These together with the families and schools are the pillars of social cohesion and a perfect way to encourage youth participation in youth policies in the fields of sports, culture, crafts etc.

Who are you doing it for?

The activities in this project focus on engaging boys and girls at the age of 16 and over from two ethnic groups – Bulgarian and Roma.
The key figures are: 25 teenagers from Roma families and 25 teenagers from Bulgarian families. The Roma families age big and live in the suburbs of the town and can engage more people (about 90 – parents, brothers, sisters, relatives) and their classes (about 150 students) and their teachers (about 30)

How do you plan to get there?

Our action plane consists of three phases:
1. Identifying and engaging the teenagers
a. Complain for information and motivation
b. Building connections with local associations and non-formal groups
c. Creating a video “Your way to participate” to promote the multicultural clubs
d. Communication complain for the project in social and local media
2. The core of the project – empowering the teenagers for social and political inclusion.
a. Seminars and workshops in the multicultural clubs – Club for debates, club “Young leaders”, club “Young journalists” etc.
b. Arranging a technology room with computers, 3D-printer, camera, microphones and other equipment for the activities in the different clubs.
3. Youth parliament
a. Organizing an election campaign
b. Elections for youth parliament
c. “To be a journalist” – how to produce good journalistic products, models and examples, good practices, define faked news
d. “Me and my town” – learn to be a good citizen; meeting with local representatives in the National assembly, destroying the barriers between ordinary people (electorate) and politicians;
e. Different activities promoting active civic volunteers – flash mobs, donation campaigns, planting trees etc.
f. Final discussion – “At the round table”

What are the expected results?

Our project will help the young people to get a better idea of the importance of their role in the society and this will strengthen their self-confidence. They will build strong connections in the local community – find new friend, people to rely on. The young people will acquire new competencies for communication, active citizenship, critical thinking and creativity. They will be motivated to be more active in their communities, to express their views, share their ideas, broaden their horizons.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

We would like to contribute for the building of an inclusive and cohesive society with mutual support, respect and solidarity. It is very important for us to create a safe environment where the young people can participate in the social life and encourage positive changes in their everyday life.

Why is this idea important to you?

The team of the project includes the chairman of the School Board Mrs. Lilyana Tsanova a devoted and experienced leader and active member of society, the secretary of the School board - Mr. Ivailo Milushev and two more members of the board. Al of them are very experienced in organizing and coordinating different activities and projects.

€ 19400,-

Total budget

€ 19000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Office expenses 1000 EUR
Rent 1000 EUR
Equipment for technology room 6000 EUR
Meals 500 EUR
Transport 1500 EUR
Travel and accommodation costs 2500 EUR
Office supplies and materials 1500 EUR
Professional fees 1500 EUR
Advertising and promotion 1500 EUR
Project management 2400


Idea created on April 25, 2021
Last edit on April 25, 2021

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