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Wholesome Health | Civic Europe
Community development, Health and education (physical and mental health)

Wholesome Health

Empowering youth to strengthen the 3 pillars of health in 5 local communities; healthy nutrition, physical activity and mental health. Delivered by youth, for youth in their communities.


Who is behind this?

Korana Kovačević




Idea pitch

We will empower youth to strenghten health in their communities by delivering a project that addresses three pillars of wholesome health including nutrition, physical health and mental health for 1500 people in 5 communities. Local youth core teams (21-29yrs), suported by mentors and experts will implement the programme for children and youth from (6-21yrs), their families and locals. There’ll be interactive workshops, physical challenges, outdoor cooking and a 5-week mindfulness programme.

Where will your project idea take place?

In the 5 local communities of the South-eastern region of Slovenia.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

South-eastern region of Slovenia is experiencing slow development of civic initiatives especially for youth in the communities further from larger towns. Statistics of National health institute, show large inequalities in health in the region, where more than half of population eats unhealthy and are not physically active as well as inequalities in access to healthy lifestyle programmes. Project will bring the community closer by addressing the need for wholesome approach to health through education and activities in three areas; physical activity, healthy nutrition and mental health. It will mobilize the youth by creating local core teams, (21-29 yrs) to get proactive, work with local stakeholders and experts to create a strong and collaborative local community.

Who are you doing it for?

Youth 21-29 yrs will be the core team members coordinating and running programme activities (with mentor's support). Want to contribute to the community.
Children and youth 6-21yrs are developing habits and behavioural patterns and are very susceptible to developing lifestyle and self-care habits early on (exercise, nutrition and mental health). They are the users of the programme.
Parents and families play key role in creating habits. Through research we know many families don’t have established healthy lifestyle practices. With education and active participation they will gain awareness and skills and be a positive example in the community.
Local communities will benefit by taking part in the activities and supporting the wholesome health programme after the project.

How do you plan to get there?

4 phases, each 3 months.
1st phase - materials preparation, establishing 5 local youth core teams (one for each community) who will lead the project on the local level.
2nd phase - launch of the programme in the community, engagement of stakeholders, running the activities of the first chosen among the three themes, which are:
- Physical activity, delivered through set of challenges and a sports day for the local community,
- Healthy nutrition, through interactive educational workshops ran by experts
- Mental health workshops with a 5-week mindfulness programme.
3rd and 4th phase include delivery of the second and third chosen themes. The 4th phase will include in-depth evaluation of the project and plans for the future, dissemination of the results and sharing of good practices.

What are the expected results?

The project is focusing on strengthening local community through wholesome approach to health. We expect more connected and health aware communities that feel empowered to change their attitude toward health, their health habits and see how such initiatives can bring the community closer. Through interactive and educational workshops in 5 local communities and at least 500 children and youth participants (6-21yrs) and up to 1000 family members and locals. As an organization, we aim to strengthen skills and expert knowledge on youth health issues of local communities. With the project we aim to inspire other communities to undertake similar initiatives and will have examples of good practices to share with them. We'll build a network to promote civic activity of youth in the community.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The project will strengthen active citizenship by engaging youth with different interests and preferences in the community to collaborate by creating a youth core team on the local level that will work together and deliver a project that their community will benefit from. To succeed they will need to collaborate with the local stakeholders and in order to choose the challenges they will deliver in each area, the community will practice democratic ways of decision making.

Why is this idea important to you?

We want to create an opportunity for young people in the local communities to make an impact. They’re worried about the world and their future and have a desire to contribute. In order to be able to serve the community the best you can, you need to be and feel your best. Taking care of yourself, your body and mind is the first step to health. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has revealed how fragile we are and its negative impacts on our physical and mental health. Having wholesome self-care practice is essential. Applying that on a community scale can have a massive positive impact. Our motto is “creating a better world”, and we want to offer our resources, expertise, connections and local networks to bring communities together in order to strengthen and build their resilience and potential.

€ 50000,-

Total budget

€ 50000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Personnel costs 25.000 EUR
Expert lecturers (physical exercise, nutrition and mental health) 5.000 EUR
Delivery of sports day in local communities 4.000
Transport expenses 2.000 EUR
Public relations 2.000 EUR
Promotion materials 3.000
Programme materials 2.000 EUR
Webpage setup and management 2.000 EUR
Office expenses 1.000 EUR
Indirect costs 4.000 EUR


Skavti ZSKSS

Idea created on May 26, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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