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Who tolerates, profits! | Civic Europe
Human rights

Who tolerates, profits!

By tolerating, we are profiting in creating a safe, non-violent, equal and friendly community!


Who is behind this?

Sanja Škorić

Society "Our children" Opatija


Who is joining forces?

Elementary School "Rikard Katalinić Jeretov" Opatija


Elementary School Viktor Car Emin Lovran


Children's Home "Ivana Brlić Mažuranić" Lovran


By learning about non-violent education through project activities, children will begin to think about the importance of cooperation, tolerance, understanding and support.


Idea pitch

In modern societies, in a world that increasingly recognizes the importance of global connectivity, it is important that children, in the process of developing emotional and social skills, learn to respect the nature of diversity between individuals and groups they come in contact with. It is important to give children a safe space in which they can express what they think and how they feel, and to learn how to act non-violently, but through love, respect and friendship.

Where will your project idea take place?

Lovran, Mošćenička Draga and Opatija, Croatia

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Citizens of our region within this project will learn about the importance of solving all forms of violence with special emphasis on prevention of violence among children. The teaching of peace, tolerance and non-violence is closely linked to the teaching of morals and the adoption of basic common values ​​on which a plural society is built, ie a society that includes the recognition of the importance of individual and group identities. The common fundamental values ​​on which a plural society is built concern relations between people (relations between individuals, groups, peoples, based on respect for human dignity and human rights), relations between peoples and culture (respect for culture and cultural diversity), relations between people and nature (respect for the Earth).

Who are you doing it for?

Children from the area of ​​the town of Opatija and the municipalities of Lovran and Mošćenička Draga from 6 to 15 years of age, approx. 300-350 children; 30 children with disabilities included in the Workshop playroom "Kolibrići" from Society "Our children" Opatija, from 6 to 15 years of age; 20 children from the Children's Home "Ivana Brlić Mažuranić" Lovran involved in all project activities; 20 children of councilors of the XII convocation of the Children's City Council of the City of Opatija. The activities that we will offer were selected according to the needs of the children which were presented to us by schools; the need of children to get involved in activities that contribute to socialization and increase the knowledge and skills of social interaction with peers.

How do you plan to get there?

1. Education of children through educational workshops on non-violent conflict resolution with the aim of increasing knowledge, communication skills, emotional skills and conflict resolution skills 2. "Let's play tolerantly"; 2.1. Playing games
According to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, every child has the right to play. Teach children the traditional games of the children of the world; 2.2. Let's play tolerant booklet: collected games that encourage cooperation, non-violent conflict resolution, tolerance, respect for diversity, games that encourage the development of awareness of the need to respect cultural, religious, ethnic, linguistic and other diversity as a condition of social wealth; respect for what is ours and original; developing awareness of belonging to the community; 3. "All together in action" sensitizing the public about the problem of violence among children - peer violence by marking the International Day of Nonviolence, 2.10. - Making a flag of non-violence at the Info stand; International Day for Tolerance, November 16, - Writing messages to adults; - Info stand at checkpoints in the center of Opatija, Lovran and Mošćenička Draga - "Thumbs up for diversity", International Day of Pink T-shirts, last Wednesday in February.

What are the expected results?

-14 educational workshops on non-violence for students from Schools in Opatija and Lovran;
-300-350 children from Opatija and Lovran will mark 3 dates important for the lives of children that sensitize children and adults to the importance of combating all forms of violence;
-3 events were held in Opatija, Lovran and Mošćenička Draga "Let's play tolerantly";
-250 copies of the booklet "Let's play tolerantly" printed;
- 25 posters about the project were printed;
- increased knowledge of children about non-violent forms of communication, the importance of accepting diversity, breaking stereotypes and prejudices and the importance of education for non-violence and tolerance;
- increased number of people who have built positive civic attitudes.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

With the project "Who tolerates, profits" we will contribute to the development of multiculturalism, tolerance and non-violence by teaching children with knowledge and skills that will be useful in resolving disagreements and conflicts.
By learning about non-violent education through project activities, children will begin to think about the importance of cooperation, tolerance, understanding, support, they will understand that as a group they encourage each other to apply messages and values ​​to which these activities encourage and refer. Participating in project activities will learn how these activities are present among children in all communities of the world. Children should participate in them regardless of cultural, economic, social or other differences.

Why is this idea important to you?

Our organization advocates for a better position of children in society and the protection of
children's rights in accordance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the promotion of the value of active children's participation at the local, national and EU levels.
Project team: General Secretary of Society "Our children" Opatija and Vice-President of the Societies "Our children" Croatia, educator of children's rights and active children's participation through activities Children's Forum, Children's City Council Opatija and National Eurochild Forum Croatia, Madam Sanja Škorić. Project assistant and educator of Children's City Council Opatija and NEF Croatia, Madam Antonia Katić.

€ 33000,-

Total budget

€ 33000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses


2 507 EUR
TOTAL - 33 000 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We are open for cooperation on projects related to civic education and children's participation.



Idea created on March 30, 2021
Last edit on April 20, 2021

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