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What if the entire world came together to give? | Civic Europe
Community development

What if the entire world came together to give?

Using social media power for good, we are bringing a global generosity movement to inspire the Portuguese people and organizations to engage, support and transform their communities and the world.


Who is behind this?

Sofia Mascarenhas



Who is joining forces?





SIC Esperança


We have communication agencies and IT partnerships working at reduced cost. Mupis offers by 3 companies, and 2 TV channels with free publicity. Two universities collaborate with us.


Idea pitch

GivingTuesday aims to escalate generosity. The starting point is an annual day for giving, where through the power of social media, everyone can get to know many social projects related to their dearest causes, be inspired to support them in a meaningful way (volunteering, donations, skills, etc.) and to share their giving story so it inspires others to do the same, creating a viral generosity chain. We believe that many small acts of kindness make a world of difference in many lives.

Where will your project idea take place?

Portugal - National scope: from North to South, small villages to big cities, interior to littoral.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

In Portugal, the social sector is made by more than 66.700 small organizations, mostly dependent on scarce public funds, with few resources and gaps in communication and fundraising capacity. There’s not a strong civic engagement and support of the social sector, with many not familiar with most organizations or their mission.
With the current social and economic crisis resulting from the pandemic, less funds are available for organizations and vulnerability situations have significantly aggravated. The solution needs to be different, from the grassroots, from active citizenship.
We create the conditions for people to find and engage with the organization whose projects touch their heart, through an inspiring call to action so organizations get the much-needed support on GivingTuesday.

Who are you doing it for?

Being a civic society movement, we approach and aim to engage all society entities, namely social organizations, businesses, schools and universities as well as individuals. We act on behalf of all social organizations beneficiaries.
We support and give equal voice to all organizations, from all causes - from education, to environment or migrants, large or small - helping them to achieve greater visibility and reach new potential donors.
Our website and communication campaign facilitate the match between the ones who want to help and the ones who need support, especially useful for smaller organizations with limited resources.
In 2019, about 200 organizations participated, whose support reached around 1,72 million beneficiaries from all over Portugal and from under-developed countries.

How do you plan to get there?

Our approach is based on 3 main pillars, the first of which is social organizations support, by providing them online visibility (website) and guidance through the campaign with a tools set (“ideas kit”, “how to” and communication materials).
The second pillar is promoting sense of belonging, engaging citizens with their local social organizations, through an inspirational communication campaign and training local leaders to engage their communities.
Finally, we keep on strengthening our network: reaching out and engaging media, businesses, public authorities, celebrities and the civic society, through meetings and awareness campaigns. We provide them ideas kits and communication tools to make it easy to participate in the movement and advocate for their dearest causes.

What are the expected results?

We aim for GivingTuesday to be a donations extra peak in Portugal, allowing social organizations to reach new donors and get the needed support: money, volunteers, goods or skills.
In 2019, we raised 250k Eur, 2.2k volunteer hours and many goods donations. We expect impact results as last year example of a small organization raising enough funds to stay afloat.
We aim #givingtuesday to be on social media trends and widely disclosed on media and that this will translate into people engagement and successfully bring people closer to the social sector.
Through the guided campaign experience, social organizations’ communication and fundraising skills will be reinforced, as well as the awareness for accountability, knowing that transparency throughout time is necessary to gain donors’ trust.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

GivingTuesday brings communities together to do good, developing a solidarity culture. It’s all about active citizenship.
It is more than a fundraising day, it’s a civic movement, within which ideas and resources are built and shared, and generosity cultures are flourishing. It enhances citizens and institutions’ engagement, challenging them to spread this solidarity wave among their communities.
The sense of belonging created, activates people to get involved with their causes, advocating for them, raising funds or simply giving back.
This way GivingTuesday is contributing to philanthropy democratization, making it easily accessible for everyone to make a difference. Through young people mobilization, we aim to shift mentalities towards a greater sense of civic responsibility.

Why is this idea important to you?

We are completely passionate about this movement philosophy, its levels of engagement, and the social impact it can have in Portugal.
We are driven by supporting non-profits to engage people in their mission and to help the ones in need.
The idea of having an engaged community and seeing common people gathering presents for children, preparing meals for homeless people or organizing fundraising parties to donate to their dearest causes, moves us. We trust a simple message from a child to a fireman or an elderly person has an impact.
We strongly believe that talking about generosity will change mentalities and strengthen the solidarity culture. And we strongly believe the civic society has the power to get together in addressing the problems of today and making a better tomorrow.

€ 109000,-

Total budget

€ 50000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Communication (Communication Campaign, including TV video, publicity, clipping, public relations, communication materials): 18.200 EUR
Training, mentoring, participation in social fairs and congress: 800 EUR
Provision of training and support to Social Organizations: 25.000 EUR
Infrastructure (website and hardware): 4.000 EUR
Human Resources: 51.000 EUR
Administrative Expenses (Travel, Rent, Communications, Subscriptions, Others): 10.000 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

It would be great to receive inspirational and practical ideas about how to engage more people, how would you communicate the movement broadly and examples of effective society mobilization, towards the common purpose of the community wellbeing. Any ideas are welcome😊


GivingTuesday Portugal

Idea created on May 27, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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