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Welcome Inclusion! | Civic Europe
Social inclusion, Democracy and participation, active citizenship

Welcome Inclusion!


Who is behind this?

Miriana Randone

Italian Red Cross - CRI Mascalucia



Idea pitch

Welcome Inclusion! is a project designed to promote social inclusion and the culture of an active citizenship. Knowing and breaking down prejudice is one of the objectives of our association and this project.

Where will your project idea take place?

Mascalucia, a little place outside the big urban centre of Catania. Sicily-Italy

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The need of our area is the migrant emergency. Every day we see migrants landing in our territory and the local population seems not to accept that they are inclusive. Our challenge is to make our society an inclusive place where more cultures can live together.

Who are you doing it for?

We want try to engage different perspectives from all local voices of the communities including those who feel excluded. So, our goal is to bring together the guests of the accomodation centres for refugees, possibly young foreign migrants unaccompanied with local young people, in order to create groups where they can know the rules of legality, of being well together and of peaceful coexistence among peoples. The aim is to create an inclusive place. to do this we have created a network of cultural and linguistic mediators, school educators and staff specialized in legality, principles and values of red cross.

How do you plan to get there?

Our project has been planned for a period of up to 3 months, in particular from April to June, a period in which the children are about to complete the school period and can devote themselves to something different. A first moment is dedicated to refugees, we want to know their conditions and their stories, through meetings with cultural mediators; in a second step we go to schools, the young people of red cross are a preferential link for young people because through peer education they manage to communicate in a simple way with young people; finally, we want to bring these two targets together and create small groups where they can get to know each other and develop a civic sense, creating a group without prejudice.

What are the expected results?

The main aim is to extend the principles of the international red cross and red crescent movement to the civilian population. Our action is based on impartiality and principles of non-violence and with this project aimed at the knowledge and culture of the other we expect to eliminate prejudices and to create an inclusive society from the younger generation. Young people within society are the present and the future is can be a great example of active citizenship.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

What we want to propose is to promote social inclusion by making refugees guests meet in the reception facilities of our territory with the younger generations of our schools. We believe that the younger generation can be great agents of change and and examples of active citizenship.

Why is this idea important to you?

The connection and mission behind the idea is to make a better place to live. We want live in a place without violence and prejudice. We believe in civic values and want to achieve inclusive societies and support for all the inhabitants of the same country. This is what our seven fundamental principles, our activity based on humanity and impartiality, our history of world association say.

€ 30,-

Total budget

€ 30,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Public relations 2000 EUR,
Personnel costs 15.000 EUR
Travel and accomodation costs 3000 EUR
Materials to make activities 2000 EUR


CRI Mascalucia

Idea created on May 27, 2020

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