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We Young Europeans - Noi Giovani Europei | Civic Europe
Community development

We Young Europeans - Noi Giovani Europei

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Who is behind this?

Francesco Piemonte

Moby Dick ETS


Who is joining forces?

Regione Campania


ANCI Campania


Municipality of Salerno


ARCIGAY organizations from Campania Region Local organizations operating with the Italian SPRAR network Sodalis CSV Salerno - field of disability A Voce Alta; IBIS - promoting gender equality


Idea pitch

Imagine an event room full of diversity, ideas and well-structured proposals: people who are working in local organizations for the implementation of the human rights, people who are suffering from discrimination, people who believe in the “safe-zone” of the nationalism, as well as decision-makers. Imagine all these people having a 3 days meeting and well-structured dialogue, working together and creating 4 new proposals, 4 new papers that can make a change: download local, upload in EU.

Where will your project idea take place?

The project will take place in southern Italy, Campania Region – Salerno city.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

According to Istat, the situation in southern Italy is dramatic as one in three individuals are at risk of poverty. Poverty = Less social tolerance

Disability: 5.2% Italians; 21.7% of them are living in social isolation and just 31.3% are working and 60% of the total are resident in the South.
Gender equality: in southern Italy 50.8% young boys with high education are having a job while the young girls situation is dramatic, just 38.7%
LGBTQ+: According to OCS"Society at a Glance" 2019 Italy received 3 points from 10 for acceptance.
Immigrants: According to European Social Survey Italy is one of the 3 less inclusive countries followed by Hungary and Russia. In Campania Region 5% of the population are immigrants (according to official data, based on the legal documents existing)

Who are you doing it for?

The project is opened for people from different social groups: people from local organizations, people from the 4 categories who are facing discrimination, citizens with a closer view of diversity and decision makers. All the participants will contribute equally in the working groups, sharing opinions, ideas and contributing to the creation of the 4 proposals.
Our action intends to carry out activities such as:
- preliminary consultation between the different groups;
-meeting with debates and consultations, among citizens, decision makers and stakeholders;
- thematic workshops by subdivision into 4 subgroups.

How do you plan to get there?

1.Preparation phase:
-setting agreements with partners (project partners and logistics)
-the trainers and the facilitators will prepare the materials for the event's activities
-the communication and print office will start the promotion of the project
-the 120 participants will reach the project venues by buses (organized by the project)
-the open event will be hosted at Town Hall of Salerno
-the workshops will be organized in the event room of the accommodation
-the work results will be presented at the final event in front of the stakeholders at Palazzo Innovazione
-the participants will give a final feedback
-the project team will analyze the indicators
-launching the websites
-following the journey of the policy papers

What are the expected results?

The project aims to stimulate the proactive attitude of the citizens, in terms of direct involvement and for the development of their community. The realization of European citizenship can only start from the local dimension, and therefore it is necessary for people to bring change in their local realities. The local community will be empowered to continue the cooperation, including different point of views, as diversity strengthens quality.
The success for us is represented by the implementation of at least 1 of the 4 proposals will start a real change, at a local level too, for civic education and a new point of view in the field of the project.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The project will be managed through the "European structured dialogue" which constitutes the dialogue tool between community and institutions, created ad hoc and used as a common forum for permanent reflection on the priorities, implementation and follow-up of European cooperation in the field of civic education. The community will have the real opportunity to express its considerations on the goals of the project and contribute to promoting tangible recommendations on possible strategies and political actions; creating 4 policy-papers.

Why is this idea important to you?

Our organization is active since 2005 with the mission of creating active citizenship and offering opportunities to young people: European mobility, innovative teaching and non-formal education and the participation in democratic life. Our belief is that Europe can become stronger by building the European culture based on social and economic inclusion and active participation of the people in the decision-making process. We offer active participation mechanisms through non-formal education and in particular in southern Italy we are recognized as a good practice in using structured dialogue. Through this we think that there can be great democratic participation through the presence of all levels that make up a community from ordinary citizens to institutions that govern them.

€ 41700,-

Total budget

€ 33000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Travel – 4.200 EUR
Accommodation & meals - 23700 EUR
Materials (office supplies etc.) – 2300 EUR
Promotion (ADV social network, printed materials, graphic design) – 2500 EUR
Personnel (trainers, facilitators) – 9000 EUR

Our budget is supported by the institutional partners described and private sponsorships that already cooperate with us in structured dialogue activities.

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We are expecting any ideas and feedback that can improve the quality of the activity imagined, as well as the results of the project: What would they do different? What is the weakness of the project? What is the strength of the project? Any creative ideas that can enrich the project activity?


Moby Dick ETS




Idea created on May 18, 2020
Last edit on May 20, 2020

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