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Voices Against Domestic Violence | Civic Europe

Voices Against Domestic Violence

Let us hear our voices to help the victims and survivors of domestic violence. Let's take the issue up to the political level because everybody deserves to live in a safe home.


Who is behind this?

Hana Stelzerova

Czech Women´s Lobby

Czech Republic

Who is joining forces?

Amnesty International Prague

Czech Republic


Czech Republic


Czech Republic

We are 6 civil society organizations gathered in an informal coalition named Voice against Violence. The two other partner organizations are: Rosa - Centre for women and


Idea pitch

Gender inequality is one of the causes as well as consequences of domestic violence. We want to give stronger voices to those who are not able to speak out. In cooperation with local active citizens, we will target and raise awareness communities in regions, which is where the help to victims is lacking most. By bringing people together, we will pressure our government and politicians to shift their attitudes towards this social problem, undrestand its importance and take actions to prevent it.

Where will your project idea take place?

Selected regions of the Czech R.: Plzeň, České Budějovice, Pardubice, Ostrava or Brno.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The trust in the NGO sector is on a long-term decline in the CZ. In Central and Eastern Europe mainly, we can sense a strong antipathy towards notions such as “gender” or “gender equality”, as well as a tendency to link the Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence to terms like “dangerous gender ideologies”. These displays and attitudes together create a strong social anti-gender discourse framed in fear and panic. Therefore, we wish to change the irrational arguments into fact-based arguments in support of systematic changes that would help victims of gender-based violence. We want to create a society in which people understand and respect each other. We wish to influence the cohesion of society which will support and empower the survivors.

Who are you doing it for?

The project targets:
1) Local citizens will be involved through the local activities / events (approx. 1000 people). The main activities will be public debates, local gatherings with discussions, movie screening with discussions or presentations, as well as online communication and sharing of thematic videospots. Through these activities, we will encourage people to engage into our call to action - writing to politicians in support of the Istanbul Convention´s ratification.
2) Regional organizations and local stakeholders that we will reach through our campaign (approx. 50). In addition, we would like to engage more organizations that are helping victims and survivors. We will need to open space for discussions and find common understanding for support of the Convention.

How do you plan to get there?

For start, we have formed a coalition of 6 organizations dedicated to human rights.
Next steps:
1) hold regular meetings with members of the coalition
2) meet with other stakeholders on national and local level (from other organizations, state and private sector) to discuss the present situation and support ratification of the Convention.
3) prepare materials for the campaign in regions – cooperating with local coordinators.
4) reach the active citizens through our communications and tools of participation
5) prepare the event / activities by bringing people together with active citizens in regions
6) bring experts to the regions to participate in discussions
7) reach for regional supporters
8) building strong coalition of supporters and advocacy work

What are the expected results?

More people in our society will understand the width of the problem, how it is rooted in our society and how important it is to change perspectives particularly in this issue. People with such understanding build stronger and more respectful relationships and do not tolerate violence.
The aim is to organize at least 4 regional events/activities, approach more than 1000 beneficiaries, get more than 10 more organizations as part of our coalition and regional stakeholders.
Dedication of at least 20 local politicians to tackle the problem of domestic violence more systematically and their support to the Convention.
Most importantly, we want to achieve the ratification of the Convention by the Czech Parliament.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Human rights conventions have always been playing a very important role in democracy. The Istanbul Convention (mentioned above) stands for the most important value of non-violence and proposes specific measures for prevention and protection. Through discussions and grass root initiatives, we will help people to assess the false information regarding this issue. We believe that once they recognize the true nature of the Convention, their concerns will transform into support of one of the most vulnerable groups of people in our society. By bringing people together, we will raise our voices against domestic violence and appeal to politicians to understand the importance of solving this problem and vote accordingly in favour for ratification of the concerned human rights convention.

Why is this idea important to you?

The CWL is a network of mainly grassroots organizations. Our mission is to take on real problems women face and raise them to a political level as well as to improve the situation of women in society.
Violence against women(VAW) and domestic violence has been our priority to solve for last 5 years. We unite 39 organizations and all of them strongly agree that thisrepresents the biggest inequality between men and women.
By this project, we will be able to do more advocacy work and bring more people together in support. We wish to give our society hope for a better future where equal rights represent value of zero tolerance to VAW.
The Czech Women’s Lobby promotes the rights of all women, regardless of their race, ethnicity, abilities, sexual orientation, age, religion or faith.

€ 46000,-

Total budget

€ 43000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

office expenses 3.500 EUR
travel and accommodation costs 1.000 EUR
public relations 3.500 EUR
personnel costs 35.000 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

What would be the best call for action to be addressed to the general public in regions when the concerned topic is very sensitive? What is the best way to disseminate the information about help to victims of domestic violence? What would be your advice to our idea?



Anna Libova

Idea created on May 27, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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