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Visionary Days 2021 | Civic Europe
Community development, Youth participation and empowerment

Visionary Days 2021


Who is behind this?

Carmelo Traina




Idea pitch

On 27 November 2021, 2500 under-35s from all over Italy will meet at a digital event for 10 hours of collective brainstorming.
Visionary Days is an experiment in collective vision that brings together, for the first time, people from different backgrounds to discuss together an idea of the Future. Each digital discussion table is composed of ten participants selected to be as diverse as possible in terms of age, background, studies or profession.

Where will your project idea take place?

The event will be in Turin, north Italy, and digitally transmitted all over Italy.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Visionary's challenge as an association is to include young people in the debate on the most diverse issues of the future. From society to technology, from ethical issues to geographical ones, the aim is to brainstorm with the people who will really live the world in the future and to connect the resulting thoughts with institutions.

Who are you doing it for?

The target group of the project, as mentioned above, is young people aged between 16 and 35, coming from different regions of Italy.
In order to provide a representative image of the target group involved, the following data on the participants of the previous editions are reported:
- Average age: 25 years
- Students (62.7%), Workers (37.3%)
- Women (46.5%), Men (53.5%)

How do you plan to get there?

The impact will be reached in three phases:
Approach: communication campaigns and social media comms will be core to engage the existing Visionary community and to attract new young people
Engage: once approached, the community will be engaged in activities and communication flows which will beuseful to keep in touch with the organization and be hyped and activated towards the event
Event: The event will be the real cathartic phase, a moment of active participation and confrontation on issues that affect the near future. The experiment of participatory democracy will serve to build loyalty and greet the entry of participants in the community.
Impact will be measured in terms of event attendees and new hires in the community. The produced Dinamic Manifesto will also be delivered to the Institutions present, representing a real legacy from all Visionary. As with previous editions, the association's subsequent annual activities will be aimed at ensuring that those inspiring social and political guidelines are translated into active policies each time. This in light of the fact that Visionary's activity as an association is exactly aimed at having concrete KPIs of social impact as well as moments of confrontation.

What are the expected results?

The result expected from the event is to give a voice to the younger segment of the population on issues that concern them personally, to increase their awareness of being citizens of today and tomorrow, to bring about a positive contamination of ideas and a common conscience on increasingly topical issues affecting various aspects of society and beyond.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The event is organised to have a lot of outside input for each participant. There are talks by guests discussing a topic close to them, which can be journalists, representatives of institutions, professionals from companies; there are virtual rooms where constructive debate is stimulated and moderators guide you.
In addition, there will be a direct line to the political representatives for youth issues, to whom the issues addressed and the ideas generated by the event will be explained.

Why is this idea important to you?

Visionary is led by young people, from different educational and/or work backgrounds, who fight for equity: for everyone to have access to opportunities to develop and fulfil themselves.
We take the floor to say that social justice must be a priority in our country, to influence political choices and to vote only those who share this urgency.
The team is composed of a Global section that organises and administers the various hubs located in different cities, the main ones of which are: Turin, Genoa, Pavia, Naples and Florence.
Each city team is made up of people who live the territory and help communicate the association's themes, with events and social actions.

€ 132000,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Location 65.000.00 €

Production, UX & Materials 20,000.00 €

Service & Technical Personnel 5,000.00 €

Guests and logistic 20,000.00 €

Staff 2,000.00 €

Communications 10,000.00 €

Miscellaneous 10,000.00 €

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Visionary is happy to welcome all comments and feedback from visitors to the platform.
Only one rule: be “VISIONARY”!



Idea created on April 23, 2021

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