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Viejos Mundos Nuevos 2.0 (Old New Worlds 2.0) | Civic Europe
Social inclusion, Participation and Social transformation through cu

Viejos Mundos Nuevos 2.0 (Old New Worlds 2.0)

To gather people who suffer depopulation in rural areas with urban people with mental health issues-addictions in order to create together a play about the right of having a second chance in life.


Who is behind this?

José Antonio Vitoria

Derechos Humanos a Escena (Human Rights on Stage)


Who is joining forces?

Neighbourhood association Errekazar-Zorokiain, based in Unciti Valley


Mejorana Association, and NGO for people with mental health issues.


Proyecto Hombre Navarra, NGO for treatment and investigation of addiction problems


As partners we are all working in field with our target group.We have support from local organizations belonging of the villages based on the metropolitan area of Pamplona and the Government ofNavarra


Idea pitch

To use arts and theater to create a safe space and give voice to participants. They came from a rehabilitation program due to alcohol, drugs or gambling abuse that could lead to mental health issues, and join people in the project that are fighting against the rural depopulation. Both groups will raise awareness about exclusion and need of second chances. Our aim will be to set the artistic frame and accompany them creating a call that will be a theatre play against exclusion and discrimination.

Where will your project idea take place?

Unciti Valley (217 people in 2017) and dormitory suburbs of Pamplona, only 20 kms from depopulation.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Pamplona is surrounded by dormitory suburbs were the belonging with the land is missed. However, 20 kms farther we find communities highly rooted to the history and the land were they were born. These communities are fighting against discrimination, isolation and extinction.
The environmental and social sustainability of cities is complicated. This lack makes inequality and ghettoization the new urban diseases that hardens belonging for vulnerable groups.
We aim to create links between these groups and their different worlds. Our aim is to raise awareness about how important is to keep the safe space and to commit participants to work towards community empowerment and create social impact using arts and culture, giving a second chance to create new ways of sustainable livelihood.

Who are you doing it for?

-Communities of youngsters who refuse to “flee” their villages along with their way of living.They fight against depopulation and isolation of the rural areas.Their hope is to create social awareness about the importance of conserving and transform that areas into spaces where new projects and new lives can be born
-Group of people who are doubly excluded:they are in a rehabilitation process from different kind of addictions and some of them suffer from mental health problems.They fight against a big social stigma and they lack of support from their families.They also lack of social rooting in their urban area
Both groups seeks to have a second chance
There will be key figures that will assess the group in the whole process of this initiative: psychologist, social worker and a director

How do you plan to get there?

1.Establish contact with key figures in order to form group of interested participants: a group of interested people from different excluded groups from our partnership Coordination meetings with stakeholders involved
2.Team and story building sessions sharing life stories in rural areas.Outputs: inputs for script.Sound recording from rural areas
Development sessions, final version discussion of the play script
Interview recording for “actors” and facilitators
Rehearsal session including staging, lightning, costume
Dissemination material, visibility for social media and material to share best practices for other professionals
3.Performance of theater play.
Outputs:create impact amongst public.Open space discussions with audience and different stakeholders.Disseminate project impact

What are the expected results?

Awareness raised by using performance arts as a cohesion elements amongst our target group.
Encouraged and empowered people that had faced and fighted against social stigma and self-stigma.
A stronger participation and active citizenship of people who suffers different disorders putting the scope on the importance of learning from and with them.
A stronger community based identity through culture.
Highlight the prominence of the artistic approach as an innovative way to deal with exclusion.
A better and more sustainable livelihood: participants will improve in their disorders and deficits through cathartic narratives reaching better life quality.
40 people engaged on the process.
1800people attending as public.
6 theatre performance.
5000 people reached via social media and press.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

This initiative aims to give a second chance to people that are socially excluded for several reasons. These groups will have the chance to discuss and to reflect about exclusion, discrimination, isolation and together will create a theatre play were they will talk about their fears and also their hopes for the future. It’s about putting together pieces from broken worlds using creativity and passion for life in order to create a new reality where they have a sustainable livelihood.
The group will be facilitated and assisted by professionals from this partnership such as psychologist, social workers, performance coaches and a director that will be shaping the theatre play. Since 2016, we use participative and relationship based approach working with different groups in social exclusion.

Why is this idea important to you?

In 2016 our colleague Koldo Losada was murdered and since then our theater company started developing social programs rising the voice for those who have no voice.
We are a group that have same social concerns. Our professional skills and our personal background made up a multidisciplinary team (social workers, psychologists, art performance coaches and local activists) that handle social challenges such as exclusion, neglect, discrimination, etc. from a very innovative, and participative and democratic approach.
We believe in using performance arts in order to transform and improve our social environment and we also give space and voice of people socially excluded to show the worlds their capabilities, involving them in all the project phases as key actors and leaders of the outputs.

€ 64200,-

Total budget

€ 48200,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Human Resource 35700
Management, evaluation and follow up 3400
Communication and social media* 5600
Technical equipment for activities and stages 9300*
Indirect costs:office, stationary, consumibles 2000
Transport and accommodation 4200*
Spaces (meeting rooms, theaters) 4000*
* co-funded by partners and funds given by municipalities for the performance and it publicity. Partners will also co-fund the mobility of our participants to the rural area covering their food and transportation.

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We would like to have some assessment from the organizing team.
We would like to hear from other participants their opinion about our initiative.


Jose Antonio Vitoria



Voluntariado PH Nafarroa


Idea created on May 26, 2020
Last edit on May 26, 2020

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