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Transposium 2021 | Civic Europe
Social inclusion, Community development

Transposium 2021

Empowering the transgender and intersex community in the Balkans


Who is behind this?

Leopold Stefanic

Drustvo Kvartir


Who is joining forces?

Trans Mreza Balkan (TMB)


Agrodivizija Collective (AC)


Kvartir, a national organisation, is partnering with TMB, an international organization connecting transgender and intersex people from the Balkans, and with AC, a regional project for sustainability.


Idea pitch

Transposium is a Balkan regional, annual conference for the transgender and intersex community. First organized in 2014, the event takes place in a different Balkan country each year. It aims to build community and act as a call for systemic change of the most pressing issues faced by trans and intersex people, each year highlighting important local civic issues. In 2021, Transposium is coming to Slovenia for the first time, highlighting trans healthcare and the local issue of sustainability.

Where will your project idea take place?

The event will take place in Ljubljana (capital of Slovenia) and Vnanje Gorice (central Slovenia).

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Transposium will address the following trans issues in Slovenia:
• lack of access to healthcare
• legally unregulated medical transition and legal gender recognition
• unethical surgeries on intersex babies
• threats of violence (82% of transgender individuals do not feel safe at home, 73% of them feel unsafe in school, 54% on the streets, and 45% at governmental institutions - Vsakdanje življenje mladih LGBTIQ+ oseb v Sloveniji, 2018)
• workplace discrimination
• unsustainable urbanization of LGBTI community
• exclusion of trans and intersex people from local communities (trans people scored even lower levels of support, empathy and understanding than LGB people - Call It Hate, 2018)
• politicization, marginalization and weaponization of trans issues by extremists groups

Who are you doing it for?

We are doing this for the Balkan transgender and intersex community, the wider Slovenian rural community, and for local civic movements.

In order to include and represent diverse perspectives and experiences, including those of the most marginalised trans and intersex people (such as trans women, Roma people, sex workers, low-income and rural residing individuals), attendance at Transposuim and the public events will be free of charge. In addition, we will cover the costs of accommodation and travel and ensure accessibility of all venues for disabled participants.

How do you plan to get there?

Phase I: Groundwork (Sept-Nov 2020)
1. Develop programme concept
2. Call for programme proposals
3. Adverting
4. Initial logistics
5. Call for volunteers & participants

Phase II: Input and final preparation (Dec 2020-Mar 2021)
1. Finalize the programme
2. Call for volunteers & participants
3. Prepare materials
4. Finalize logistics
5. Participant & volunteer selection and communication

Phase III: Transposium (Apr 2021)
1. Volunteers & organising team arrive 2 days early to prepare
2. Programme: workshops for the trans intersex community, communal assembly with AC, public round table & artistic performance by the trans intersex community for the local community

Phase IV: Follow-up (May-Jun 2021)
1. Evaluation report
2. Compilation of outcomes
3. Financial report

What are the expected results?

• creating a human rights toolbox for trans and intersex people
• creating safer public spaces, normalising trans and intersex presence
• creating long term cooperation between project partners and attendees
• opening dialogue with public health institutions
• raising awareness of trans issues and creating visibility for trans and intersex stories in public and media with public events and media appearances
• paying forward with helping new initiatives who will organise Transposium in 2022
• bridging the gap between rural and urban civil initiatives with an exchange of good practices

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Transposium will bring together 70 trans and intersex people from Slovenia and the Balkan region for a 5-day conference with the intent of exchanging local good practices and empowering attendees with knowledge of their civil rights and tools for achieving them.

The attendees will also prepare public events in which they will address and interact with the wider local communities and media outlets in order to give a face to our stories and our misrepresented experiences.

Finally, by collaborating with a rural sustainability movement, we will bring the human rights movement into the countryside, helping unite different civic initiatives and ensure a comprehensive approach and a toolbox to create sustainable, open local communities and a democratic society.

Why is this idea important to you?

The team members have attended previous year’s Transposiums and felt that it was a deeply formative experience, both on a personal and an activist level. We have learned better conflict resolution, got an in depth knowledge about our human rights and their application and new tools to understand and share our stories. We got inspired seeing in action how different local movements and issues can come together to create a more complex approach to creating and shaping democratic societies. We are proud to go from attendees to organisers and bring Transposium to a new country, give a platform to new issues and help empower a new generation of active citizens.

€ 25000,-

Total budget

€ 25000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Subtotal travel and accommodation: 9100 €
Subtotal equipment, supplies, services and other costs: 5700 €
Subtotal human resources: 10200€


Leopold Stefanic

Drustvo Kvartir

Idea created on May 26, 2020
Last edit on May 26, 2020

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