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Tourism as a sustainable boost | Civic Europe
Environment and sustainability, The project also covers social, rural, urban, educ

Tourism as a sustainable boost

Co-creation of community initiatives to enhance social participation in the Tiétar Valley


Who is behind this?

Carmen Santos

Plataforma Valle del Tiétar en Transición


Who is joining forces?

Slow Food Gredos Tiétar


Asociación de Amigos del Palacio de la Mosquera



Idea pitch

The implementation of a new model of sustainable tourism will serve as a way to increase inclusion, citizenship participation and a better communication between local actors (citizens, associations, private and public agents, businesses, administrations, ...) in Tiétar Valley (centre of Spain). Through a co-creation process we can achieve the development of a tourism practice that allows social and environmental benefits plus economic results.

Where will your project idea take place?

The target area is located in Tiétar Valley, (South of Avila and part of Toledo province) in Spain.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Our main challenge is to overcome a set of social barriers and through tourism reach a greater use of the local potential.
To get an improvement of social participation:
Taking actions to resolve the social shock between the native and the population with other origins.
Settle bridges between groups that do not usually dialogue among themselves: The older and the young; Those who do not want to participate in politics and public administration; Those who have difficulties to participate in the community decisions.
The social improvement must go along with:
More sustainability on the use of water, energy, and natural resources
Better performance of environmental practices on production of local food.
Offer of a professional support network, digital and analog to share knowledge

Who are you doing it for?

The main target of this project are the communities of the five pilot municipalities selected, between the 27 municipalities that has scattered throughout the valley, and particularly the most vulnerable and discriminated groups: Young people, that usually cannot find a proper job in their communities. Women at risk of exclusion. Migrants, from foreign countries but also from other places of Spain. People who are not familiarized and have no experience to participate in politics and other decision-making. Those who have a lot of knowledge but no academic studies and they are shy to participate in the community decisions. Local stakeholders: entrepreneurs, local administrations, local agents, NGOs, cultural associations…, Visitors and tourists.

How do you plan to get there?

Creation of different dialogue groups among the various stakeholders to build a common narrative on Ecotourism.
Co-creation of prototypes: promoting new sustainable tourism initiatives. Support design of local tourism activities and strengthen experiences in nature aligned with Ecotourism.
Mentoring the tourism activities at the first training cycle of prototypes: a learning level with the aim to adjust to match with the objectives marked.
Subsequently it makes it easy to bring the activity at regional, national levels and even, sharing it with other experiences in Europe and the world.
That processes are a participatory method to be used as a booster for reflection in groups meeting.

What are the expected results?

Overcome the current absence of civil participation.
A new tourism strategy will increase active participation of local people and organizations in the community.
The ecotourism philosophy will reinforce the community social and economically.
A social cohesion of the valley villages encourages social participation, a more sustainable use of resources and rise better conditions of life.
Implementation of a quality tourism with connections with national tourism board, European policies and the UN objectives of sustainable development (OSD).
The quality of the new tourism products will attract visitors and spread the concept
The immersive, experiential and educative tourism activities will promote a better citizenship regarding the care and respect of our land and our planet.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Training, educative campaign, and awareness of various groups of “forgotten” citizens.
Democracy and civil engagement. Active participation in the governance groups.
Governance and participation: Promote the local governance for local tourism management strategy. To include special groups of population with a socially equitable purpose. Promote citizen participation forums as the basis of a democratic life, with proper values of equity on gender, age of entrepreneurs reflecting the diversity of the Valley communities.
Inter-generational and holistic approach: Dialogue involving the administration, community and small businesses. Chanel of communication to come closer the rural and urban contexts, with benefits to both and with a join effort to reach a higher level of sustainability.

Why is this idea important to you?

We are "Plataforma Valle del Tiétar en Transición", born in 2019,an initiative of neighbors of various municipalities of the Tiétar Valley. Our aim is to promote strategies and projects that allow the transformation of the Valley towards sustainability and the improvement of the economic, social, political, educational, natural heritage and biodiversity conditions.Creating a feeling of community and quality of life. The group is a confluence of about 20 members from different backgrounds, with experience in decades on environmental, feminist or NGO movements, neighborhood, scientific or professional associations, and the alliance with experts in sustainable tourism, agriculture, environmental educators, sociologists, local development, urban planning, geographers, audio-visual telematics

€ 58000,-

Total budget

€ 50000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Administrative support and management: 7.000€
Development of the lines of action: Dynamization dialogue groups +cocreation of prototypes: 11.000€
Training: Meetings, workshops, seminars and webinars: 9.000€
Training: Transport, diets and accommodation: 3.000€
Testing the new tourism experiences (5 pilot places): 10.000€
Mentoring and supporting new initiatives: 5.000€
Consultants 4.000€
Communication: Project Website and a web portal platform for the prototypes: 6.000€. Media:3.000€

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We would be very grateful if we could count on your advice and support in administrative and development matters. We hope to share experiences with projects with similar contexts but also learn from different and innovative approaches to improve co-creation and citizenship participation.


Plataforma Valle del Tiétar en Transición


Laura María

Idea created on May 27, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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