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Human rights, Youth participation and empowerment


Creating a community of young people and teachers – ambassadors of tolerance. Our plan includes training them in the principles and mechanisms of democracy and civic activism.


Who is behind this?

Nevena Madzharova

The assosiation of NGO's



Idea pitch

Discrimination in all its possible forms and expressions is one of the most common manifestations of human rights violations and abuses. Our observations show that it affects more and more, especially young people. Our idea aims to provide tools for combating discrimination, both in young people and in their role models – their teachers: we will teach and train them how to recognize it, to oppose it, to involve others in the fight against it, to turn it into tolerance.

Where will your project idea take place?

Targovishte, north Bulgaria

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Our region is characterized by a mixed ethnic composition, with most represented among the minorities being the people of Turkish and Roma ethnicity. Unfortunately, in recent years we have witnessed that prejudice and discrimination against ethnic minorities, both at the national and local level, are growing and this forms a lasting negative trend. We see increasing inter-ethnic intolerance, especially among young people, manifested in a wide range – from avoidance and exclusion, through hate speech to mental or physical violence. At the same time, only a small proportion of young people from ethnic minorities are aware of anti-discrimination laws and countermeasures. All this hinders their real integration in the society, in the educational institutions, violates their human and civil rig

Who are you doing it for?

The main target group of the project are young men and women who will be involved in training and youth initiatives. These will be 20 young men and women from different ethnic groups, in upper school age (grades 8-12). Each participant will apply with a short motivational essay. Based on what they have learned during the training, the young people will discuss and present 3-4 specific problems related to discrimination and inequality, as part of the volunteer initiatives (e.g. flash mobs, leaflets, publications on social networks, public events). In the period of time these young people will become the main group of "Ambassadors of Good", and new young people will join them. The other target group – teachers and principals, will be trained to work effectively in a multicultural env

How do you plan to get there?

We will act with several main steps that are logically consistent and upgrading: Training of 20 teachers – modules of 3 days. It will be led by a certified trainer under the program "Together in a Colorful World", provided by the international association "Step by Step", ISSA. Training of 20 young people – 3 modules of 2 days, during which, through presentations, case studies, role-playing game, we will increase their awareness on the following topics: stereotypes, prejudices, discrimination; their negative influence, forms, how to counteract them, etc. We will hold 4 youth civic initiatives, which will involve more young people from schools in the city. The initiatives will be suggested, prepared and implemented by the young people themselves. Towards the end of the project, we will form a permanent group "Ambassadors of Good". The main part of the group will be from the participants in the training, and over time other young people will be attracted to influence attitudes to counteract discrimination through various forms of civic activity.

What are the expected results?

Training of 20 teachers – modules of 3 days.
Training of 20 young people – 3 modules of 2 days,
We will hold 4 youth civic initiatives, which will involve more young people from schools in the city.
In the period of time, these young people will become the main group of "Ambassadors of Good"
The new knowledge and techniques will reach over 500 other young people.
We expect to have a better social community environment.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

This project will contribute towards overcoming the existing model and the frequent manifestations of discrimination, hate speech, it will help to strengthen democratic values and active citizenship. To achieve this change we will use two main approaches: Providing knowledge (education) about basic human and civil rights, prejudices, stereotypes, discrimination; ways to counteract, etc. Together with the young people in the project, the training will also include teachers from 3 high schools, who will subsequently apply the acquired knowledge within their schools; Creating new role models for real communication between young people from different ethnic groups by conducting youth initiatives and activities related to the project topic; Ensuring sustainability and upgrading the initiatives

Why is this idea important to you?

For more than 10 years, the Non-profit Organizations Club has been working for the integration of different ethnic groups (in particular, the Roma) into Bulgarian society. This is set in the long-term goals and the Strategy for the future development of our organization. We have many years of experience in the field – we provide alternative educational services for children from minority groups from 0 to 7 years; we manage universal social service in support of children and families from minorities. Our representatives are members of committees on integration issues, children rights issues and others for the municipal and the regional administration. Very often we ourselves receive reproaches from the official majority that the Roma we work for do not deserve to be supported.

€ 29950,-

Total budget

€ 29950,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

For the selection of the main target group – 200 Pedagogues training – 2 training modules x 3 days with 20 participants – 5475 EUR
Training of young people – 3 training modules of 2 days with 20 participants – 5475 EUR
Training transport costs – 200 Youth civic initiatives – 4 in number – 3000; Public Relations – 700
Costs for personnel:
Project Manager – 3600 Coordinator – 3000 Volunteers’ Leader – 2400; Pedagogues’ Trainer – 1850; Young people Trainer – 1850; Account -1200; Office - 1000

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We expect to receive feedback on the goals we have set through this project, as well as the methods by which we want and can achieve these goals. We will be happy to learn from colleagues about their ideas, and we are ready to share our experience on this and other projects and activities.



Idea created on April 26, 2021

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