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Togetherness | Civic Europe
Social inclusion


Our opportunities are independent of our place of residence!


Who is behind this?

Ekaterina Hristova

Association "To Hold A Child"



Idea pitch

The Natural and cultural wealth of the Rhodope mountains creates a sense of magic in every visitor but living there is a challenge for the locals. Because of the geographical features of the region and the limited access people there live in social isolation- a premise of discrimination. Our role will be that of a living mediator between the opportunities of the big city and the use of the potential of the small settlement. We will introduce to the locals their civil rights in an interactive way

Where will your project idea take place?

The Republic of Bulgaria, Devin mun., in the area of Trigrad, Beden, Teshel and other villages

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Throughout the year when the weather conditions are bad, electricity and communication problems arise which hinders the locals’ contact to the rest of the world. The local challenges are the difficult logistics and transport in a mountain area. The area is depopulating, the kindergartens and the schools are about to close and for the few children living there, there aren’t any forms of extracurricular activities. These are the roots of the social isolation leading to the lack of opportunities for development and access to information for the children and the adults. There is not enough information about their civil rights. The families living there can’t plan their future and the future of their children.

Who are you doing it for?

Children of the above mentioned villages in the border area of the West Rhodopes mountains in two age groups between 6 and 12; between 12 and 18.
Adults up to 50 (parents of the participating children) and local leaders. We will introduce to the locals their civil rights and how to put them into practice in an interesting way, compliant to the different age groups.

How do you plan to get there?

Every month we are going to engage local art makers and sports clubs for children events – horse riding, pottery, art ateliers etc. combined with children and civil rights education in an interesting and comprehensible manner. The project team is going to organize interactive lectures for the adults where their civil rights and responsibilities and their practice ought to be discussed. Specialists in different fields are going to perform individual consultations for personal cases and advocacy. We are going to provide support and assistance for the locals to use administrative services.

What are the expected results?

Adults will improve their level of social activity and commitment. These citizens are going to become competent of their civil rights and how to defend them. They are going to learn how to access public services and resources and broaden their networks. Most of the locals have higher than basic education degrees, which increases the opportunity of putting the theory into practice. They are going to be able to assist and impact the people surrounding them. The children will join different forms of art and sport activities and will interact and develop various interpersonal qualities and skills.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Based on our professional experience we consider that the isolation is one of the premises of discrimination and inactive civil involvement of the locals. The project is going to develop together with the representatives of the local authorities leading to more active participation of the citizens and participation in the territory and community development. The improved cohesion between the different participants is the best way for common development in the future. The local families who want to take part in the project are going to get acquainted with their civil rights, community services and how to exercise them.

Why is this idea important to you?

Our team is enchanted by this area because of the beauty of the nature and the warm-hearted locals. Unfortunately there isn't any health care neither a pharmacy in every village. The schools and the kindergartens are closing. The local people are living in poor living conditions and they require better access to job opportunities, services (health, education) and culture. After discussing the idea of the present project with the citizens of this area we have reached the conclusion that if there are more living possibilities for the children and the young people in the region they won’t leave their place of origin. As a whole this indicates a worrisome demographic trend. Our aim is to empower the local communities to address this crisis.

€ 41000,-

Total budget

€ 41000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Personnel costs (incl. external experts): 25198 EUR
Administrative costs: 3500 EUR
Advertising and site maintenance: 750 EUR
Travel and accommodation for the project team: 2800 EUR
Organization of art ateliers, sport events and musical activities (all costs included): 8752 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We would appreciate your feedback!


Association To hold a child

Idea created on May 26, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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