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Together we are stronger | Civic Europe
(Social) Entrepreneurship, Social inclusion

Together we are stronger

Establishment of home help for the elderly provides the eldery access to free services and offers employment to disadvantaged people with disabilities, who will provide these services for the elderly.


Who is behind this?

Tomaž Rous

Institution of research and development of alternative practices so.e., Beltinci



Idea pitch

We want to provide the elderly from the local environment access to free services at their homes, because they can no longer do so on their own, due to age and various health limitations. These are e.g. work in the garden, harvesting firewood, cleaning the apartment, mowing the grass, etc. We solve two problems at once: we help the elderly to ensure a quality old age and quality of life, and on the other hand we offer employment to disadvantaged disabled people who will provide these services.

Where will your project idea take place?

Our project will take place in Beltinci, North-East Slovenia.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

In the countryside the current trend is that due to the aging society many older people find themselves alone. Due to lack of jobs young people mostly emigrate. We have been facing an increased need for home help services for the elderly for some time now. They are often left to the "good will" of neighbors, acquaintances, and due to limited resources, the satisfaction of these needs is then reduced to a minimum. Many target people thus live in inappropriate conditions and are socially excluded. They often have limited contacts as they neglect their own quality of life due to lack of social and other capital. With the help of several stakeholders we want to alleviate the plight of people who are too often overlooked.

Who are you doing it for?

-The elderly: their needs are mainly the need for concrete physical assistance in the form of various services, which due to the lack of social and financial capital they cannot satisfy. Due to limited access to sources of information they often do not know how to seek help. Due to physical limitations they need help with daily tasks in the house and surroundings. This target group is particularly vulnerable and often pushed to the margins of society.
- Disabled people: within the project we want to enable employment for disabled people, who otherwise cannot get them or only find it very difficult. People with disabilities will help the elderly through various home-based services. In this way they are provided with both a basic financial existence and social inclusion.

How do you plan to get there?

We will purchase all the necessary equipment for the implementation of home help services, including the purchase of a service mini van for transport. Within the project we will ensure the employment of workers from the target group of the disabled. A hotline will be set up. Our purpose is to provide concrete field assistance to interested users. Activities will be carried out in such a way that people who need help will communicate to our telephone number what help they need. The methods of work will be a concrete visit to the home or other location where the service is required. The tasks we will perform will be: easier work on the home and its surroundings such as mowing the grass, cleaning the apartment, digging the garden, etc. Also, as part of the project our employees (disabled persons) will take some time for a personal conversation with the eldery at each visit, to help them overcome loneliness and for their better mental well-being, while sharing knowledge, advice and life experiences between themselves.
An individual activity will be provided as needed by the each person, and should last as long as necessary. As these are smaller, easier tasks, each activity will take place for up to a few hours a day, exceptionally for more days.

Through intergenerational dialogue we want to strengthen social cohesion and create a space of mutual assistance for the elderly.

What are the expected results?

The direct effects of the project will be to reduce social exclusion and alleviate the financial situation of people from the target groups. As we intend to continue with the cross-sectoral partnership and work systematically on social justice and providing quality care at home for the elderly, we plan to multiply the effects and results after the project is completed. Based on the results of the project we will be able to plan long-term services that are necessary for the target groups in the local environment. Together with the Municipality and other stakeholders we will try to find mechanisms (organizational, financial and others) that would contribute to the sustainable implementation of services of home help for the elderly.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Our project empowers disabled persons to get a job and make basic income and proves that they can also perform a variety of works that benefit the Community. At the same time they are encouraged to participate as equal members of society in all aspects of public life, as well as by expressing their views on individual social and political decisions in their environment. It proves to the elderly that they can always be "useful", no matter the age. They are extremely important because of the preservation of memory, the restoration of forgotten knowledge and traditions. Through identifying and disseminating past experiences they can influence future, young generations, as now, in the search for a solution to our contemporary problems, we are increasingly returning "to our roots", to nature.

Why is this idea important to you?

Our social enterprise have been cultivating the Eco-garden, orchard and some fields in Beltinci for many years. There we implement employment rehabilitation programs, train and employ people, especially those with disabilities, and we also provide various educational content. Our NGO employs social workers, psychologists, etc. We know where we are and what we stand for. That is why we are constantly developing new ideas on how to further contribute to the community. As part of our idea, we would like to offer a variety of field assistance services for those who need help at home, because unfortunately on a daily basis we meet many elderly, lonely and poor people, who cannot afford such services, but they definitely deserve to live in a decently arranged and pleasant home, even in old age.

€ 35000,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Office expenses: 1500 EUR
Personnel costs: 20000 EUR
Public relations: 1500 EUR
Transportation costs: 1000 EUR
Equipment costs (purchase of a mini van included): 11000 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Thank you for taking the time to read our initiative. We will be very happy to receive any feedbacks, ideas, suggestions, initiatives that would help us further improve our project and ultimately make it an implementation reality.



Idea created on April 25, 2021
Last edit on April 25, 2021

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