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Together for each other | Civic Europe
Education and research, Human rights

Together for each other


Who is behind this?

Art Misszió Alapítvány

Art Misszió Alapítvány



Idea pitch

It is never too late to learn. In order for the socially and existentially deprived population to be able to make decisions, have a say in their own lives, and sustain themselves in the long run, it is necessary to pass on knowledge that they can utilize on their own. Our goal is integration through knowledge transfer. Community advocacy, developing the ability to influence local affairs, social control.

Where will your project idea take place?

Jánd, Magyarország

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Unemployment is a serious problem in the county. Its population is approx. 800 people, 80% of them Hungarian. The unemployment rate is 5% higher than the county average. For years, the state has not provided enough resources to increase the social asia of this population. Our goal is to support and train the socially or existentially deprived population living in the area, thus developing civic competence, enforcing community interests, developing the ability to influence local affairs, active participation in decision-making, social control. Furthermore, integration through knowledge transfer and the utilization of resources is a long-term self-sustaining cooperation, promoting the establishment of a cooperative that ensures the livelihood of the population by utilizing resources.

Who are you doing it for?

Jánd has a population of about 800 people, and our target group is all adults over the age of 18 who are able or willing to work without ethnicity. We work with residents who are socially and / or existentially in need. We are targeting citizens who have so far thought they have no say in local decisions, as they have decided well in advance anyway. They are uninterested in what is happening, which is why they are not aware of exactly what is happening in their environment. The foundation’s goal is to overcome this lack of interest, to shake up the community by highlighting issues that affect them all. We focus on values such as social justice, human rights, democracy and the rule of law. improving people's quality of life.

How do you plan to get there?

Action Plan
1. Survey (need, idea) 1 month
2. Evaluation (setting up a planning board; analysis of interviews, conversations) 1 month
3. Training organization (based on the evaluation of the surveys; possible becoming a training institution) 2 months
4. Trainings (existing, external and post-accreditation of the foundation as a training institution) 3 months
Basic knowledge (1 piece, approx. 20 people)
Rehabilitation (1 piece, about 15 people)
Self-supporting (4 pieces, a total of about 18 people)
5. Contact (municipalities, NGOs) 1 month
6. Lectures 2 months
Establishment of non-governmental organizations, enterprises
Tender consultancy
Social responsibility, participation
7. Follow-up
Internet group for members who have completed the training
Survey based on completion of training
Community events, workshops, forums
Reports of the participants in the training, collection and presentation of good experiences
Providing motivation; those who have completed the training create a resource for their own maintenance
The action plan is for several years, which is divided into smaller units and micro-projects.
The priority is the development of citizens through trainings, their transformation into a collective. Training and forging into a cohesive community will help citizens to take collective action on issues that affect them.

What are the expected results?

Residents, institutions, NGOs, local government, etc. with the participation of the action plan. The different tasks, responsibilities and scope of implementation are clarified. The number of participants and their commitment is increasing. New institutions are emerging. The local public is evolving. The settlement is building new relationships with other settlements. People get to know each other better, discover common ground, expand the range of participants in the project. The local community is strengthened, tolerance, solidarity, empathy, values, development of attitudes. The public is the guarantee of the functioning of local democracy. This ensures that informed citizens are aware of their rights and can enforce their will.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The project provides knowledge, training and discussion forums to improve the quality of life and take an active role in active citizenship.
The basis of the public is information, and the goal is for this information to reach the public and be received and possibly discussed. Our goal is to reach out not only to active citizens through the public, but also to those who have so far shown no interest in the problems that affect them. Social challenges such as prosperity or sustainability are in the common interest of all of us. The aim of our program is to make the population aware of and shape the processes taking place at the local level, and to strengthen the autonomy and initiative of the population, which will enable the success of democratic processes in this small community.

Why is this idea important to you?

The embeddedness of the project in the local community can be traced back to 2010, when the Foundation established the Jándon site and the Rehabilitation Skills Development and Training Center, where 150 people graduated in art therapists (training, music, dance, categories). Our present project also includes training in art therapy for the rehabilitation of injured people. The project team (project manager 30 years, financial manager 25 years, project assistant, trainers 5-20 years of professional experience) ensures the achievement of the goal with several years of professional background, we plan to involve additional volunteers for the implementation. Motivation: improving the quality of life of the disadvantaged target group, knowledge transfer, community development.

€ 35000,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Office costs EUR 2900
Travel, accommodation 2000 EUR
PR 2100 EUR
Personnel costs EUR 11,000
Communication costs 800 EUR
Overhead costs 1200 EUR
Volunteers cost € 1800
The cost of organizing the event is 3000 EUR
The cost of purchasing the equipment is EUR 2000
Meals cost 2400 EUR
Training costs, fees, other costs 5800 EUR


Art Misszió Alapítvány

Idea created on April 12, 2021
Last edit on April 25, 2021

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