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Social inclusion

To receive you have to first give

Civic activity, education, social equality in small settlements and places with concentrated Roma population


Who is behind this?

Zlati Zlatev

“Local Action Group Dalgopol-Smiadovo” (“LAG Dalgopol-Smiadovo”).


Who is joining forces?

Municipality Dalgopol


Municipality Smiadovo



Idea pitch

We will work together with local authorities, young people, citizens of different ethnicities and ages, people with disabilities to hear our voice and position in local politics, to live in a cleaner environment to help people with disabilities to gain self-confidence through knowledge and training.

Where will your project idea take place?

On the territory of Dulgopol municipality and Smyadovo municipality.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The area where the project will be implemented is one of the poorest in Bulgaria and Europe, with a mixed population - Bulgarians, Turks and Roma. The population of both municipalities is a total of 21,000 inhabitants. High unemployment rate. Low educational level of the Roma population. Many young people going abroad in search of work. Negative demographic growth. Aging population. Pure nature and potential for tourism development.Low awareness of the functioning of local and state institutions in part of the population. Low interest of civil society organizations, business organizations, citizens in the processes of policy planning at the local level and at the stage of their implementation.
In the survey, the following are indicated as obstacles that limit the level of civic activity:

Who are you doing it for?

1. Living in areas with Roma population - 100 people.
2. Representatives of local authorities - 30 people.
3. Representatives of NGOs, schools, community centers, retirement clubs - 100 people, including 50 young people.
4. Disadvantaged people - 30 people.

How do you plan to get there?

1. Campaigns for project presentation, electronic platform for promoting civic participation "Smart Citizenship"
2. Campaign for cleaning and afforestation "Mom, Dad, Grandma and I" 6 areas with a predominant Roma population
3. Trainings: open and responsible management, Active citizen,Our rights and obligations; communication between local authorities and citizens, Family Planning, Gender Equality, For a Clean Environment, Our problems and we talk openly about them.
4 Appointment of mediators working with young people in areas with a concentrated Roma population
5 Assistant courses - cooks
6 Labor Exchange for People with Disabilities "We can and want to work".
7 Promotion of the information portal and office "Integrated social office"
8. Participation in international netwoks

What are the expected results?

Increasing civic activity, involving young people in solving problems at the local level, raising the environmental culture, cleaner places to live, providing jobs, raising the knowledge and awareness of people with disabilities, raising qualifications, improving communication with local business.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

1. Organizing a campaign "Mom, Dad, Grandma and I" for cleaning and afforestation of land in 6 areas.
2. Organizing trainings on topics: Our rights and obligations; Improving communication between local authorities and citizens, Family planning, Gender equality, How important is it to keep the environment clean ?. Our problems and can we talk openly about them, Good practices of civic participation at the local level;
3. Initiatives to expand access to the labor market for people with disabilities labor exchange, information campaigns.
4. Organizing professional training - assistant chef.
5. Research and sharing of experience through research and involvement of international networks.

Why is this idea important to you?

To understand that everyone's opinion is important, to live in a cleaner environment, to help people with disabilities, to give knowledge and skills.

€ 45500,-

Total budget

€ 45500,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Organizing information campaigns - 3000 EUR
Platform support - 1500 EUR
Training for 50 citizens - EUR 6,000
Salaries of mediators - 15,000 EUR
Terrain cleaning and afforestation campaign - EUR 5,000
Organizing professional courses - 5000 EUR
Labor exchange 500 EUR
Final press conference - EUR 500
Management and implementation - 9,000 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We will be grateful for any opinion and suggestion. Ask us questions to investigate the work of people with pleasure, mixed population, ask for civic activity, such as using a clean area.



Ganka Georgieva

Idea created on May 21, 2020

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