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To help ourselves by helping the community | Civic Europe
Community development

To help ourselves by helping the community


Who is behind this?

Irena Ivanova

Foundation "Dr. Stamen Grigorov"



Idea pitch

Creating a working group in order to develop concrete steps to form a flexible, creative and resourceful group of young people to identify the problems of individuals in the community and work actively to solve them. The aim of this team is to formulate, plan and organize the implementation of various activities - research of public attitudes and opportunities, training and development of programs for exchange of experience and cooperation between local and other European schools.

Where will your project idea take place?

Bulgaria, Tran municipality and the region.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The Tran region is an ecologically clean border area, where the main livelihood of the population is cattle breeding and agriculture. The area has remarkable natural and historical features, but also high unemployment. More than half of the territory is occupied by forests. A large part of the population is of Roma origin. The population has low educational qualifications, as a large part of the Roma do not continue their qualification after high school. Due to the sedentary way of life, as well as the lack of opportunities, public attitudes are highly conservative.

Who are you doing it for?

The project aims to broaden the horizons, give new opportunities to young and unemployed people in the municipality of Tran as well as in neighboring municipalities with the same problems. At the same time, the current situation of a global pandemic has once again brought to light the shortage of medical staff. The town of Tran has a spacious hospital building, built in 80's for a municipal hospital, which currently uses as a home for different types of social services, for which there is a shortage of medical staff. At the same time, the permanent unemployment in the municipality is in the range of 20-30%. A large part of the population is from a minority group whose potential has not been realized.

How do you plan to get there?

To achieve the set goal the following main activities will be performed:
1. Survey on the attitudes and training opportunities of medical staff, including the minority group.
2. Training of volunteers to fight forest fires.
3. Training of sanitarian, whose education will become increasingly important in the new circumstances.
4. Development of a program for cooperation and exchange of experience between the local school "Geo Milev" and the Bulgarian school "Dr. Stamen Grigorov" in Geneva, Switzerland.

What are the expected results?

To organize and unite the local community, to reveal its potential. To create several volunteer groups that will take an active part in crisis situations, such as forest fires, humanitarian or health crises, as well as in other public activities, such as holidays, festivals and tourist attractions.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

By enabling young people from different social groups to broaden their worldview, learn new things and face new challenges, we will strengthen their faith in success and their sense of belonging. Based on their own creativity, we will be able to build a more effective civil society, we will turn the existing potential into real actions and socially significant events. Relying on education and new perspectives, we will contribute to the building of well-rounded individuals, which are the basis of any democratic society.

Why is this idea important to you?

Dr. Stamen Grigorov Foundation is an independent, non-political, non-governmental organization established in 1996. Its main goal is to work for the revival of the Trun region, for its social, cultural and economic development and as part of this program to promote the cause. of Dr. Stamen Grigorov and his discoveries in the field of world medicine and microbiology. Dr. Stamen Grigorov is a Bulgarian microbiologist and doctor, born in the village of Studen Izvor, Trun. In 1905 he first described the lactic acid bacterium Lactobacillus bulgaricus, causing the fermentation needed to produce Bulgarian yogurt. The foundation has gained serious experience over the years in implementing a number of projects in the region.

€ 50000,-

Total budget

€ 50000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Staff costs: EUR 21,000.00
Training costs: 8,000.00 EUR
Costs for materials: EUR 2,000.00
Purchase of equipment for volunteers: EUR 7,500.00
Costs for volunteers: 3,500.00 EUR
Travel and nights: EUR 3,000.00
Research costs: 5,000.00 EUR


Irena Ivanova

Idea created on May 24, 2020
Last edit on May 26, 2020

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