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The Water agent – responsible consumer | Civic Europe
Environment and sustainability

The Water agent – responsible consumer

Introduction of water footprint monitoring in order to raise awareness and rationalize water consumption through intergenerational cooperation


Who is behind this?

Majda Adlešić

Water agency Association


Who is joining forces?

Customer - Croatian club for customer protection


Our organizations have connected with the desire to draw attention and through joint activities we influence the awareness of water footprint and all habits that we have as consumer societies.


Idea pitch

We want to create an online platform- community to monitor water footprint, directly from the tap and through all the consumption we have every day. We would include school-age children and groups of the oldest inhabitants, primarily in rural areas in Slovenia and Croatia. We would change the awareness of water consumption previously formed by wrong consumer habits, reduce the distance between generations, especially caused by the COVID 19 pandemic, and draw attention to hygiene and health.

Where will your project idea take place?

Rural regions in Slovenia (5 ) and Croatia (5)

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The separation of rural and urban lifestyles is becoming more pronounced. Life in rural areas is quite difficult for older people. Young people in urban areas are focused on their responsibilities and the modern way of life distances them from their grandparents. On the other hand, their experiences are valuable. By connecting the elderly population and children, we first develop synergy and empathy by strengthening their communication. We unite them around the problem of excessive water consumption through all aspects of consumption. With the experience of the elderly living with smaller consumer habits and children with knowledge of digital technologies, they will become aware of the problem of water consumption, improve hygienic habits and socialize.

Who are you doing it for?

Nursing homes- users, and managers. There are about 150 nursing homes in Slovenia with almost 20,000 users. In Croatia, it is about 600 homes. Both nations belong to the old nations, with a large percentage of the elderly population. In Slovenia, almost 28% of the population over the age of 65 live alone and those over the age of 85 are over 40%.
Primary schools: 869 primary schools in Croatia, in Slovenia 455 primary schools and 319 branch schools. and
Other local populations in rural areas.
Health facilities in local communities
The water footprint in Slovenia is 5500l / day /person while in Croatia it is 4600l / day /person.
Water supply companies (like sponsors on local levels)
Local government (like sponsors and logistic support )

How do you plan to get there?

Based on the questionnaire, the project includes 25 nursing homes and 25 schools in each country, a total of 100 collective participants.
We approach the development of an e-platform for communication between the elderly in nursing homes and children in schools (and homes). We would make video materials - home workshops and instructions they can follow step by step by participating together. The transition to the next level will be jointly solved tasks that will be given at the end of the video workshop. All activities include the administration of schools and nursing homes, as well as families. In addition to watching video workshops and solving tasks, they will also monitor the consumption of tap water and keep a Diary of hygiene and hydration. Live workshops will also be organized.

What are the expected results?

Better communication will be established between nursing homes, schools and local communities.
A system for monitoring water consumption and insight into the real water footprint created by users will be established. 200 measurement devices would be installing.
Establishing the system will raise awareness of many situations and consumer habits in which we unnecessarily consume huge water.
It would be given solutions on how to reduce it with a different choice of products, recycling, upcycling.
Changed hygienic and health habits - hand washing and other hygiene, hydration of the body, a healthier diet will be established.
An improved attitude of the local community towards the elderly in nursing homes - increased care, better social cohesion, involvement in community life.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Rural regions are very often excluded from projects that do not deal with tradition or similar topics. Very often, nursing homes are located in rural areas. Young people today live by developing consumer habits that generate large amounts of waste and thus water consumption and pollution. By connecting children with the elderly, we solve the challenge of alienation between generations. We will launch the elderly, users, and managers of nursing homes through modern activities. This will be reflected in each community by spreading the idea and involving other participants. Rural environments and nursing homes are often unrelated. With this idea, we will connect them with each other, which will contribute to the spread of ideas and cooperation beyond this project.

Why is this idea important to you?

We are doing something good for the community and spread our mission. We connect old people who are often lonely and excluded in some topics, especially strategic ones such as water, environment, sustainable development.
By connecting them with children, we strengthen children's empathy and awareness of some other times that they will learn from their stories, see different spending habits.
We will do so much for nature, water in particular. By raising awareness about the water footprint and changing the habit of reducing it, we will preserve not only the quantity of water but also the quality. By preserving water, we act on the complete ecosystem and life in accordance with the goals of sustainable development.
To draw attention to civic initiatives as key drivers of change in society.

€ 58000,-

Total budget

€ 48200,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Office expenses 2400 (2 offices, in Slovenia and Croatia)
E-platform 5000 /our contribution. We already have platform and we would upgrade it for new activities.
Online workshops 12000 (30 workshops - lessons)
Measurement devices for direct monitoring 14.400 (150 devices) + 50 devices our contribution 4.800.
Personal costs 14400
Travel costs 2000
Public relations 3000
Total 58000 /48200 requested from Civic Europe + 9800 our contribution, from different sources.

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Comment on the clarity and importance of the idea.
Comment on how to make it clearer.
Suggestions as if to improve it.
And of course interest for our project and the possibility to connect with others through activities.




joze cvetko

Ana Smoljak

Idea created on May 25, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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