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Adolescents and young people developing their talents to create societies based on the richness of diversity.


Who is behind this?

Eva Ortuñez




Idea pitch

Adolescents and young people developing their talents to create societies based on the richness of diversity. Spaces for civic education led by adolescents. Spaces that generate initiatives and alternatives based on the richness of diversity that promote democratic values and allow the development of the social talents of the participants. A project with the aim of favouring the development of people socially committed to a life that promotes diversity in all its manifestations

Where will your project idea take place?

Southern districts of the city of Madrid and small municipalities (minus 5000 inhabitants)

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

There are many adolescents and young people who are beginning to shape their social conscience, conscience as citizens, however their thoughts, ideas, proposals rarely see the light and are rarely taken into account. Certainly there are very few scenarios in which adolescents and young people, before they vote, can express their opinions and build their alternatives. Society does not really give space for the precious contribution and energy of this age group. As well as for the construction of their ideals and civic commitment.
The current pandemic period has further highlighted the powerful role of this group in society. Adolescents have not appeared as a group in the different plans and measures adopted by countries. This group is one of the most affected by isolation

Who are you doing it for?

Target audience: project aims to bring together adolescents and young people who are particularly sensitive to injustice to create a space for youth social leadership.
Promotion group. 10 adolescents and young people from different Spanish provinces, of both genders, different experiences and different origins. Promotion group of 10 and scope of 200 - 300 participants in the platform.
beneficiaries or audiences: Educational agents/teachers who will see an increase in the initiatives of the young participants.
The families and relationship environments of the young people who lead and participate in the project. And reach at least 30 direct relatives related to the motor group.

How do you plan to get there?

1Creation of a promotion group: They expressed their opinion about their experiences in the pandemic situation They develop a dynamic means of finding out the opinions of at least 50 other young people.
2Co-creation of the interactive participation platform: Starting from the participant's interest centers and data identified in the survey: music, social networks, Build platform architecture
3Creation of the first challenges of individual and collective creation with an impact on schools. Activities such as: promoting knowledge of the cultures of the students in my class, identifying sexual identities in societies, relationships with disabled peers, women as protagonists in the history of my region.
4Expansion of participation across Europe

What are the expected results?

There will be a free online platform that will be a repository of talent development activities organized and structured for free use for civic education purposes.
There will be a group of at least 10 adolescent leaders with positive experience of developing their talents and their willingness to actively participate in society for democratic purposes. At least 50 adolescents will have participated in the development of activities/challenges for the development of individual and collective talents. About 200 adolescents will have visited the platform and asked about the development of their own talents
At least 40 activities/challenges developed in nearby environments initially schools/institutes
The adult environments close (families, teachers)will discover more talents in teenagers

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Education in democratic values and civic commitment from the experience and protagonism in adolescence, means laying the foundations in people for a future democratic society.
The value of developing activities with the aim of making visible the wealth of differences (opinions, social realities, physical conditions,...) of the people who make up society, is a challenge that when achieved remains in the DNA of the people who have practiced it.
The possible interaction between adolescents from different regions of Europe is a very feasible possibility in this project. This is of great value for the knowledge of other realities and therefore perspectives of life.

Why is this idea important to you?

We were educated by screens and nowadays we have teenagers that we see spending hours in front of the screens feeding the social networks and filling their brains with this kind ofrelationships
We want a more equitable and sustainable society, contributing to the integration, visibility and value of diversity in all areas of life
A society made up of creative people, involved in solving the problems that affect them both on a personal level, but also as citizens and members of the planet.
Autonomous, equitable, supportive people who value collective construction, empowered people who also reject discrimination, authoritarianism or the dogmatic imposition of any form of thought and other forms of violence
A society that promotes the forms of expression of different emotional, sexual, an

€ 41200,-

Total budget

€ 41200,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Youth educators 30000 €
Development of the technical aspects of the communication platform 10000€
Own expenses Activities 1200 €

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Do you consider this idea timely/necessary in today's reality?
Whatdo you consider to be the most attractive aspect of the proposal?
Do you identify any innovative element?
What aspects of the proposal do you consider necessary to improve?
Would you like it to be developed in your neighbourhood?


Eva Ortuñez

Idea created on May 26, 2020
Last edit on May 26, 2020

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