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The Spring of Democracy - Second Wave | Civic Europe

The Spring of Democracy - Second Wave

The Second Wave is based on Slovenia's declaration of independence also called The Spring, which resulted in our first democratic elections. We want to bring back the spirit of democracy.


Who is behind this?

Matej Zupanc

Združenje za neodvisno politiko (ZNP) / en: Association for Independent Politics



Idea pitch

As a reply to long lasting corruption in Slovenian politics, the suspicious connection to the judicial system and nonexistent convictions based on those connections, we want to increase the transparency of the government system and active participation of Slovenian youth in important political discussion.
Our mission started on the 1st of May as a consequence of the most recent corruption cases which are currently being protested against every Friday, when we realised that we want to do more.

Where will your project idea take place?

Smaller cities negatively affected by the centralization of the capital; such as Koper, Primorska.Th

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The specific societal challenge faced by the smaller regions in our country is mainly the societal division made by the long-lasting corruptions scandals, which made the youth disheartened and apathetic, specifically in cities outside the main municipality, where it is more difficult to connect to like-minded groups, that are actively participating in the democratic process. This includes the organization and activation of the youth, the demand for transparency, division of politics, and judicial system or active and peaceful protests. We want to solve the problem of ignored and unheard voices, bring them together in one cohesion which would be able to professionally collect and critically evaluate societal issues, bring them to attention and offer possible solutions to improve our society

Who are you doing it for?

We are looking for ideas that try to engage different perspectives from local communities, especially those feeling excluded. Our target groups are all citizens who want to learn about the principles of democracy and are ready to take an active part in defending them. One of our key target is the numerous youth group, whose apathy and cynicism is rampant as a result of multiple economic, ecological, and political factors, local and international. There are common issues we all face irrespectively of political ideology. We plan to create a space for respectful dialogue. Our principle is that in this space no opinion is safe from scrutiny or criticism as long as it is done in a dignified respectful way.

How do you plan to get there?

We believe that social media provides a basic start to any political movement, but we also understand that social media cannot replace true contact with and between our members or followers. When we reach a certain threshold of people who share common struggles, we mean to engage our movement into resolving specific struggles that formed based on our movement.

What are the expected results?

This project will raise the awareness about Slovenian political situation on the local and national levels. It will empower different individuals with additional knowledge about the current situation and help them to extract important information about what good policymaking means for our future and democracy. It will encourage the political participation of youth for more active participation in future elections and to play a part in policymaking. It will provide a transparent tool and useful knowledge about how to start actively creating and participating in policymaking, where the main goal is how to provide the best for society through democracy.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

We want more. Our goal is to open the opportunity and give the silent voices on the outskirts. We would like to connect already established local groups and individuals of all group ages, especially youth. We see that these silent or absent voices have common struggles despite their differences. Our initiative tries to bring these common struggles to the foreground of our political space. Bringing these people together under one organization gives us an opportunity to learn what the core of political movements are made of, and with this, we give these people a voice. We feel that giving a voice to the voiceless and a cause to the apathetic is as the most important ingredient for a true democracy.

Why is this idea important to you?

Our initiative wants to provide an environment which will serve as an incubator for the young which are not related to the old politics and will want to play an active role as a new wave in the political arena. To promote new ideas, energy, knowledge and therefore to integrate all into the established politics. Promotion of policy making among youth is an incentive for increasing democratical value of future elections as well as political participation, since active participation at local and national elections is one of the poorest among the young. Political awareness is highest in bigger cities, therefore it is essential to bring new political spirit into rural areas to ensure equal development, inclusion and democratic values.

€ 56000,-

Total budget

€ 50000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Salaries: 30.000,00 €
Equipment and working materials: 10.000,00 €
Working space (rent): 6.000,00 €
Travel costs: 5.000,00 €
Project brochure / Publications & printing - 2.000,00 €
Accountancy - 1.000,00€
Promotional costs, Advertisement and publicity - 1.000,00 €
Professional website and logo design - 1.000,00 €

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We would very much like to learn about how to create a sustainable and transparent politics without actually have to physically move some people to the Moon in order to freshen up the public state of well-being and fire up the role of active citizenship.





Martin Senič

Idea created on May 27, 2020

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