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The negotiating court of advocacy | Civic Europe
Community development, Youth participation and empowerment

The negotiating court of advocacy

Training of trainers (ToT) and professional training: using sport as a tool for enhancing active citizenship and advocacy capacities of local stakeholders carrying out services for at-risk groups.


Who is behind this?

András Rákos

Oltalom Sport Association (OSA)


Who is joining forces?

Budapest Bike Maffia


John Wesley Nursery, Primary- and Secondary School


Municipality of the 9th district of Budapest



Idea pitch

In Hungary, the advocacy capacity of non-governmental organizations is insufficient, which negatively affects the quality of life of their clients at risk. In order to improve their opportunities, within the framework of a workshop OSA will bring local NGOs, institutions, and municipal decision-makers to the same negotiating table. Participants will have the opportunity to master sports integration tools, methods that they can rely on in their everyday work and elaborate a common action plan.

Where will your project idea take place?

Budapest, the capital of Hungary

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The main societal challenge directly addressed by the program is: the lack of advocacy skills and cooperation between organizations with different statuses dealing with those in need.

Specific societal problems indirectly affected by the project are:
Gender inequality
Early school leaving
The lack of civic space
The lack of access to quality services for vulnerable groups

Who are you doing it for?

Primary target group: Participants of the ToT Workshop from different sectors (civic, public, educational). Coaches Across Continents (CAC) provides NGOs with their Active Citizenship Through Sports curriculum and teaching methodology.
Secondary target group: organizations, institutions to be trained by ToT participants: municipalities, municipality-maintained educational and social institutions, local NGOs, local Roma self-governments, municipal parks and recreation units.
Tertiary target group: The target audience of NGOs, institutions with less advocacy capacities, fewer opportunities.

How do you plan to get there?

The program formulates 4 main steps that are organically related to one another.
1. TOT training workshop: CAC – NGOs, educational institutions, public bodies
Sports integration „mainstreaming”: – Participants will master CAC’s curriculum and teaching methodology
2. Professional training:
• Transfer of the acquired CAC knowledge and methodology
• Roundtable discussion for participants in order to get to know each others’ roles and aspects, mapping out possible areas of cooperation
3. Common action plan: Participants prepare an action plan, which designates their joint activities for the year 2023.
4. Supervision: Under the supervision of OSA and other ToT participants, local stakeholders quarterly review successes, failures, and further opportunities of their joint actions.

The method: Sports integration, as a method, models life situations in a protected, safe environment. These gamified conditions provide tertiary target group members - mostly persons whose lives lack permanence, constructive connections with others, adequate external feedback on their actions and ideas - an opportunity to acquire the most important civic virtues: cohesion, self-sacrifice, subordination of individual interest, perseverance, willingness to act, quick determination, self-judgment, and above all “Fair play”.

What are the expected results?

Members of the primary and secondary target groups are introduced to a new, effective way to involve members of the tertiary target group more effectively in their activities.
Participants get to know new allies who can help them complement their services and make their work more efficient on a mutual basis.
Reduced dependence on the central government.
The co-operation of organizations that make their voices heard more loudly and more effectively against the political and policy measures of the government.
A common action plan - an instrument that provides a framework for joint actions.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The professional training is designed to help participants recognize the effective means and timing of action, both in organizational and individual case management matters. Knowledge gained through training, new collaborations, and joint actions under supervision all serve this purpose. Human rights education is also an important tool in the curriculum of CAC. They demonstrate and teach this - and the methods of effective advocacy in general - through playful, gamified situations that are linked to sport.

Why is this idea important to you?

The implementation team of Oltalom Sport Association
Tímea Turcsik: social worker and coach.
Frigyes Hegyi: former player of OSA, coach
György Molnár: program coordinator
Dóra Gottgeisl: social worker, program coordinator.

The team has been working with at-risk groups in various fields in Budapest. Besides delivering regular football training and conducting social work, the staff has experience in designing and implementing skill development workshops for vulnerable groups. Throughout their work they gain a deeper understanding of the societal challenges these groups face on a day-to-day basis, especially in how the lack of advocacy skills can affect the situation of groups with fewer opportunities and thus determine their future.

€ 40000,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Personnel costs (project manager, project coordinators) 12000 EUR
Office expenses 1000 EUR
Training costs for trainers 15000 EUR
Catering costs I for training of trainers' days 2000 EUR
Printed materials and online communication 1000 EUR
Professional training costs for stakeholders 3000 EUR
Catering costs II for professional training 2000 EUR
Training materials for target group 2000 EUR
Translation and interpretation costs for trainings 2000 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We have no restrictions on this. We are open to all ideas, suggestions, constructive criticism.


Oltalom Sport Association


Idea created on April 25, 2021
Last edit on April 26, 2021

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