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The integration of the person into the community | Civic Europe
Community development, Social inclusion

The integration of the person into the community

Make the person feel part of the community during this pandemic time: inclusion and social cohesion, literacy and school recovery


Who is behind this?

Antonio Foniciello

Associazione Campania Viva E.T.S.


Who is joining forces?

Associazione Fare Ambiente Campania E.T.S. - Movimento Ecologista Europeo


UNIAT Campania APS - National union of tenants, environment and territory Campania Region



Idea pitch

The Covid-19 pandemic led to situations that have not been experienced in over 100 years, when the Spanish flu pandemic broke out. Very poor health systems were not enough. Even then, confinement was introduced for the people, so everything that had brought with it the first great war got worse: stress, fear, neurosis, madness, social isolation, loss of certainty, economic depression. Today we are at the same level, so this proposal would like to overturn these conditions and restore the person'

Where will your project idea take place?

Regione Campania

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

1) Environment: initiatives in the field of green economy and circular economy, with
the goal of promoting ecological innovation (waste, water, risks
nature, protection of biodiversity, remediation of polluted sites, etc.) sustainability criteria
2) Work, training and welfare: foster the growth and development of companies, investing in the human capital and in the innovation capacity of the new generations, in line
the objectives of the European Green Deal
3) legality as a lever for development, social cohesion and opportunity, building
also alliances between the various actors of the security system.

Who are you doing it for?

1) Citizens of urban suburbs : Naples 500.000 residents - Salerno 50.000 residents - Caserta & conurbation 150.000 residents

How do you plan to get there?


What are the expected results?


How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

1) Experience your own territory. The territories are abandoned, especially the suburbs which are now a "no man's land", where crime, dealing, usury and waste proliferate. In these places the State, the law, are not present.
2) Training in political and civic schools, respecting the territory, taking care of people, greenery, schools, the environment, thinking about the future.
3) Participate in decisions, work towards objectives, manage the public good.

Why is this idea important to you?

1) Antonio Foniciello - president of the Campania Viva Association ETS- always involved in social issues, especially with young people, in the school for school recovery;
2) Avv. Francesco Della Corte - president of the Ass. Making Environment Campania E.T.S. - expert in social law, young people at risk of social exclusion, crownfunding, etc.
3) Pierluigi Estero - president of UNIAT APS Campania - expert in the management of social and economic problems of urban suburbs
4) Luigi Merola - Catholic priest, responsible for the Ass. "A voce de creatures" of Naples, social animator. Association that welcomes young people for their social and work reintegration.
5) Nicola De Monaco - agronomist - responsible of Masseria Tuoro, a farm at the service of young people.

€ 25000,-

Total budget

€ 20000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

1) Planning, Promotion & Formation human resources € 3500
2) Goods and services € 1500 3) n. 5 Human resources for 12 months € 10000
4) Teaching materials € 3000 5) Travel and food expenses 2000 6) Insurance
€ 1000 7) Equipment (purchase, rental, depreciation) € 1500 8) final balance, publications, reports, conference € 2500 TOTAL € 25000

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

a) ahow do other organizations manage difficult, problematic suburbs, where crime is boss and finds easy labor in young people and foreigners?
b) how is it possible to find solutions beyond those proposed by us?
c) what human resources and with what skills do they put into their projects?


Antonio Foniciello

Idea created on April 21, 2021
Last edit on April 25, 2021

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