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Gems of Szolnok | Civic Europe
Community development, Environment and sustainability

Gems of Szolnok

Creation of a cooperative office and a Blooming Forum. A grant for creative and active neighbourhoods, empower local communities to find their voice, to preserve, create and care for common values.


Who is behind this?

Krisztina Nyolczas

Jóllét Műhely Egyesület / BeWell Association


Who is joining forces?

Ökologistic Foundation


Fiatalok a Magyar Vidékért Alapítvány / Youth for the Rural Hungary - Envrinmental and Social Protectionist Foundation


Planned partnership: Csillagpor Alapítvány / Stardust Foundation - Hungary, Szolnok


Idea pitch

We are for honest and solution oriented connection between actors and citizens. What we need is some heart filling fun to invite and engage! So we create the space where the dialog and the inviting activities could begin to carry the common values to share and care for, spiced with the beauty of Blooming Szolnok (BS) forum and colourful actions and an exciting game of Gems of Szolnok (GOS) neighbourhood challenge.
We open the the door of our Co-Office and Charity Coffee and begin!

Where will your project idea take place?


What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

There is no active interest of participation on the part of most of the actors. Lack of publicity and platforms to connect get informed in local matters and accommodate the opinions and ideas and act or react. Lack of trust.
We have no places and spaces for social communication. As well loosing many of the iconic places with social functions is a deep wound in the local collective consciousness. Most of the active and young people are leaving Szolnok because they do not have a suitable social environment, opportunities for healthy social and cultural life. No feeling of having a space to impact their own life.
There is low understanding of the value of environment, culture and active community life.
Very low level of resilience, to overcome social, economical and climate challenges.

Who are you doing it for?

We think first of all we will reach out more easily to:
-The youth
-Active pensioners
-Environment-protectionists and environmentalists
We will place special focus on:
-groups, whom hard to access. Romani families, elderly with living difficulties, or people lives with disabilities.
- Local authorities and business, individuals with big influence in the community
- Active people aged 30-35 who live in the capital but are connected with the plan for future development of the region
Building bridges between:
- Active people for whom community and cultural development and healthy environment is a cause worth working for
- Cultural intellectuals (incl. representatives of local cultural and educational institutions)
- Average locals, all age of people from Szolnok.

How do you plan to get there?

1-5 months: setting up Co-office:
1.Systemizing the existing knowledge of our team and fill the gaps with the relevant trainings
2.Invite members to our Local Specialist Web (LSW) - set up roundtable, evolve to conferences (pedagogy, rural and city environment and ecology, institutional procedures, humanecolgy, ecological economics, specially in local food systems and consumption, community development, community arts, fine arts and street arts etc)
3.Open Charity Coffee
- the place for the public
- local food and beverages
-information of local matters
-inject knowledge by workshops and events
-inspire for activity/participation
4.Open the office for locals and GOS applicants.
4th: Blooming Szolnok(BS)- Activation of Actors -The metaphor of this program - in collaboration we are spreading wildflower seed-bombs and blooming Szolnok together. Expresses the impact of common thinking and action on well-being. The experience of give-and-take balance to the participants on a facilitated talk-walk, where we spread the seeds around the city. Plan the next action
4th: Open application for GOS - start the workshop and support work for applicants to build up a 8 pax group.
7th: Start GOS challenge - through the 5 turns we support the groups with workshops and forums to access informations of local matters.
12th: close the GOS - celebrate with installations and actions.

What are the expected results?

-Frequent use of the Blooming Szolnok forum to understand opposing views of actors, find common voice by actions.
-Blooming Szolnok Action followed by 2 more actions based on the forum dialogues
-a visible and well-known trademark of being a trust-worthy, cooperative local actor
-GOS - support 3 selected project with founds
-5 more project will get support of knowledge and adopt tools to present their interests and learning to find right fundraising tools
-smart channel to the Local Council and authorities within the actions and projects
-channeled public attention towards common matters, live and online platforms to get informed and react.
-increased number of local solutions in collaborations
-mini-exhibitions, in public spaces, in parks, and or in common areas of condominiums

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

We will work with topics and issues affecting the daily life of the residents of Szolnok. The participants will go through process with us - from gathering and creating active groups, extracting the topics, developing strategy, adopting tools, gain publicity, create proposal for change.
During the project the attending neighbourhoods, the actors and our team will:
-actively participate and develop skills for dialogue, idea structuring, cooperation, creativity
-„bring to light“ neglected, important issues for the community, deliver them for relevant local actors and authorities and Local Council.
-gain more self-confidence by learning their rights and obligations and cooperative negotiation skills, so they could participate in the construction of public life and policies.

Why is this idea important to you?

We are people who believe in local values and the knowledge of the ancients.
We are those who understands the importance of dialogue between generations. One who has no roots cannot bear fruits.
The pandemic has alienated people, especially the generations and filled the spaces of love within each family with fear. People need each other very much, but in addition to indifference and feeling of helplessness, fear now hinders the against us to be able to react. We are part of these confused and tangled family social networks.
Our diverse team brings long years of experience in public affairs and community development. We has always been engaged to civic society, advocacy and ecology. Each of us has improved a variety of toolsets using the liberating power of arts and games.

€ 45300,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Coordinator, administrator and specialists, full- and part-time 24000€
Fee of specialists 1500€
Trainings(incl. travel, accommodation) 1500€
Rent fee,utilities,infrastructure (bills, phone, internet cost) 8000€
Communication and website 2000€
Video content 3000€
Education materials 2000€
Art- and handtools for actions 2000€
Forums, Actions and Round table - 3000€
Grants to support the winners: 1000 EUR 800 EUR 500 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We are planing to rise the number and evolve our path of connections in the dimensions of various actors. Looking for connecting and sharing ideas and stories how to get better consensus with different actors and different situations. Hope to learn from your stories and details of success and failer


krisz - BeWellAssociation

Idea created on April 21, 2021
Last edit on April 26, 2021

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