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The Delicious Gardens of Vasilitsa | Civic Europe
Social inclusion, Community development, Iinformal Education

The Delicious Gardens of Vasilitsa


Who is behind this?

Galina Palabuyuk



Who is joining forces?

Hristo Smirnenski Primary School


Elementary school "Kliment Ohridski"


Vasilitsa Association has been partnering with these schools for four years. Our idea will be realized with the children from the schools.


Idea pitch

In 2005 the team of Vasilitsa created the first educational one in Varna
garden. Inspired by the wonderful results and the great interest, we would like to continue our initiative. Our idea is to multiply the project in the small settlements of Varna district. We will create an educational corner in two schools in rural areas, where children can maintain gardens with vegetables, herbs and fruits. Our goal is to give space to children of Roma origin and to be supported.

Where will your project idea take place?

The project will be implemented in two villages in the region of Bulgaria, the villages of Vaglen an

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The Project will take place on the territory of two villages near the city of Varna. We have focused on poor communities and where there is extreme poverty. The problem we have addressed is to create conditions for children from rural areas to have the opportunity to remain in the education system. Our efforts are showing results, but this requires opportunities for the development of schools. Through the project we will create an opportunity for children to communicate, work in a team and create something beautiful. We will force them to love and be constant. The project allows to be extended to other schools. Then we will develop the model children teach children. The project is innovative for both villages, which will be held in the municipality itself.

Who are you doing it for?

In This Project we will Work in several aspects:
1. Involvement of children and youth from ethnic minorities in activities related to non-formal education
2. Involvement of parents in activities related to their children - construction of gardens, green classroom and eco greenhouse. Growing flowers, herbs, fruits and vegetables.
3. Involvement of parents in trainings for parents - creating conditions for education of parents in the direction of communication with their children
4. Involving teachers in the process of non-formal education and increasing the capacity to retain students in schools.
5. Intergenerational communication

How do you plan to get there?

We already have a partnership with two schools. Our volunteers actively participate in the activities of the schools.
But in order to be successful and recognizable in the first place we will organize an information event in which we will introduce the local government and other schools, parents and the NGO sector. Then the beginning of the gardens will be laid. A Facebook page will be created and various educational materials will be published periodically. Parents will be involved in the implementation of the project, who will help the children on the one hand and on the other hand will be engaged in trainings in which to acquire knowledge about the changes in their children. With the implementation of the project, a Handbook and books will be created that will benefit children.

What are the expected results?

We try to reach children and young people by developing innovative and interesting approaches for them. It is important for us to give a different path to children living in difficult conditions of poverty. Many of these children subsequently become addicted to alcohol and drugs, and in most cases they are victims of violence or human trafficking. This is not only a mission for us, but also a responsibility - to change their views. We have set ourselves the ambitious idea to create something new and large in scale. With the implementation of the project we will change the opportunities of the children. We will also change the parents by giving them space for new views on the development of their children. We will create conditions for communication between the generations.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

We believe that with this project we will add a positive and sustainable practice in the efforts to renew our educational system and especially in the efforts to build harmoniously developed and active individuals, for whom the protection and care of the environment is not just modern. green »idea, and a holistic style and lifestyle. With the implementation of the project "Delicious Gardens of Vasilitsa" we will attract generations. In this way we will improve the communication between children and their parents. We believe that they will begin to communicate with each other and will be given space to unite. Children, parents, teachers will build green classrooms in which to continue to feel and talk about their problems.

Why is this idea important to you?

It is very important for us to give an alternative to children. The poverty we see every day is a reason for young people to become victims of violence or to resort to alcohol and drugs. Over time, we have made many attempts to tackle poverty, but the only way is to change children with extracurricular activities. In this way we give a different point of view and different opportunities for children to develop and change their destinies.

€ 38000,-

Total budget

€ 38000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

връзки с обществеността и рекламни материали - 3.000 EUR
обучения на родители - 6.000 EUR
преки дейнсости - 23.000 EUR
посещения на външни лектори и екскурзии - 3.000 EUR
координатор, счетоводител - 3.000 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

It will be valuable for us to receive feedback from other members as well. Our team consists of young people who want to change the lives of children and their families. For us, the experience of larger organizations will be valuable.




Idea created on May 27, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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