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The children of today – the leaders of tomorrow | Civic Europe
Social inclusion, The aim of the project is that the children become

The children of today – the leaders of tomorrow

Trainings for children and youth on entrepreneurship and development of leadership skills


Who is behind this?

Georgi Menov

Foundation “Initiative Young Entrepreneur”



Idea pitch

Our idea is aimed at children aged 7 to 18 living in a region with low civic cohesion. Through the trainings provided in the project, the children will develop the ability to think critically, to address real problems, to look for solutions, to use their creativity, as well as to work effectively in a team.

Where will your project idea take place?

The project will be implemented in the municipalities of Gotse Delchev, Garmen and Hadjidimovo.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The target group, which the trainings will reach, will be children aged between 7 and 18, living in the municipalities of Gotse Delchev, Garmen and Hadjidimovo.
The children and adolescents in the region, who will turn into leaders tomorrow and will be part of the local community, are currently out of the public eye. They remain outside of the active participation in the community because no one teaches them civic literacy - they lack the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities to develop themselves as active citizens in the local community.
Children and adolescents are not familiar with the problems and the practical issues of the world around them at a domestic, social, urban, state and world level in various fields: ecology, medicine, demography, politics, emergencies and others.

Who are you doing it for?

The target group to which the trainings will be directed will be children aged between 7 and 18 living in the municipalities of Gotse Delchev, Garmen and Hadjidimovo, who are the actual future for strengthening the capacity for civic activism at the local level (or taking an active position in the society).The children will be divided according to their age and the selected topics into three or more age groups.Based on relevant data and research, between 6 and 9 years of age the behavioral bases of the personality are formed -THE CHARACTER. In the same time less than 2% of the population has innate leadership and entrepreneurship skills. In 97% of the population these habits can be developed.The age of 6 to 10 years (maximum up to 14) is the key to shaping the successful future of a child.

How do you plan to get there?

The following steps are envisaged for the realization of the present idea:
1. Informing and motivating children and parents to get involved in the project activities:
- Creation of a Facebook page and a group in which information materials about the opportunities for the development of children in the direction of citizen position and entrepreneurship will be published.
- Promotion of events in the local press and / or online media.
- Conducting information events with motivational focus.

2. Provision of extracurricular trainings as well as role-plays and debates:
- Production and delivery of materials for conduct of the trainings.
- Rental of halls for conduct of the trainings and practical classes.
- Conduct of the trainings with the different age groups.

What are the expected results?

The training aims to teach the most modern and practically oriented entrepreneurial skills. As a result, it will create an entrepreneurial attitude in adolescents, motivation to achieve professional success, personal development and satisfaction as well as freedom of action. Emphasis will be placed on stimulating creative thinking and generating innovative ideas in children. Guidelines for applying good practices in entrepreneurship and leaving a positive mark for the future generations will be included. The trained children will have the necessary knowledge and skills to start and develop their business ideas as well as the ability to participate independently in the public life and to take a stand on socially significant issues.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

In the provided trainings the children will learn to combine social responsibility with business. A space will be created where children will receive information about various social cases and situations. They will join teams in which they will work on generating ideas for solutions.
The trainers will help children be active participants in creating changes in the society as well as in activities to generate business ideas and social responsibility.
Aim - for children to be active participants in the life of the community and to feel that they are important.
Debate clubs will be held to teach children to defend and champion their ideas and positions today which will help them become active members of the society tomorrow.
Simple knowledge even in the best high school is not enough.

Why is this idea important to you?

The project is social, authentic and relevant to the local community, which makes it sustainable. Through it, the children will receive information about various real social cases in society and will participate in teams to find a solution as active members. The decisions will be presented to a social council by socially active people, entrepreneurs and public figures, and the selected ideas will form a Young Ideas Bank. Children and adolescents of today are the future visionaries, leaders, entrepreneurs.
The community receives innovative and non-standard solutions to specific tasks and problems that can be actually used. The children develop the skill of critical thinking and analysis and are result-oriented, thus actively forming a new generation.

€ 48000,-

Total budget

€ 48000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Rent of halls for motivational meetings and trainings: 12 000 euros
Visualization and publicity: 4 500 euros
Travel and accommodation costs: 6 000 euros
Printing of training materials: 5 000 euros
Printing paper and consumables: 500 euros
Team salaries and fees for external lecturers: 20 000 euros

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We would like to receive feedback on the relevance of our idea in countries outside Bulgaria, as well as the opportunities for its implementation there. We would find useful ideas for thematic modules in the field of children's entrepreneurship.



Idea created on May 27, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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