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The Acceptance of Other(nes)s | Civic Europe
Community development

The Acceptance of Other(nes)s

Creation of Harmony in Multinational/Multiethnic Micro Region


Who is behind this?

Elmo Petri

József Attila Közoktatásért Kultúráért, Közművelődésért, Tömegsportért és Diáksportért Public Foundation


Who is joining forces?

Municipality of Nógrádkövesd


Municipality of Galgaguta


Slovak Ethnic Municipality of Galgaguta


Name:Municipality of Becske Country:Hungary Name:Meditation and Retreat Center in Becske Website: Country:Hungary Name:Comagro Sardo Ltd Country:Hungary


Idea pitch

The chosen micro-region is multinational and multiethnic. The different cultures, customs, and traditions of the variable nations and ethnic groups clash. Social acceptance of democracy and community involvement may be present in the local community only if all work for the same goal and decisions are based on broad social agreement. The project will achieve this idea trough performances, festival, Cultural Committees and a new division inside the foundation.

Where will your project idea take place?

Municipality of Nógrádkövesd Község school and community space

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The micro-region that is selected by the project is multinational where the different cultures, customs, and traditions of the variable nations clash. Due to globalisation, migration is on the rise, and as time goes by more and more nations appear in the area, companies are founded, social organizations choose the region as their seat. For the traditionally closed community of villagers the acceptance of new-comers is challenging even if the new residents come from the same nation, while the arrival of foreigners provides medium for heavy social contradictions and tensions. A region becoming multinational and multiethnic may impede the operation of the democratic systems, since integrated decisions cannot be made without integrated authorisation which leads to isolation and segregation.

Who are you doing it for?

The target group of the project is rather broad, since the problems affect the whole population of the micro-region. It is problematic to organise an event that can host a representative sample of all the nations and ethnic groups. Common projects may help.
Lectures will be given in the building of the school, where the representatives of different nations and ethnic groups (embassy employees, leaders of national organizations, researchers) can give lectures on the origins of several traditions and cultures, they can share information on successful assimilation efforts (best practice) highlighting steps that were inevitable for success.
In summertime a multinational/multiethnic cultural festival will be organised (August 20-22).

How do you plan to get there?

Performances (after the project year also)
Multinational/multiethnic cultural festival (to build tradition)
Foundation of Cultural Committees at partner municipalities
Creation of a new division inside the foundation to participate in municipal work
Souvenirs for performers, lecturers, and participants

What are the expected results?

Democracy strengthens among citizens
Local cultural life becomes diverse
Harmony, cohesion improve
5 performances are organised
To build tradition a multinational/multiethnic festival is organised
Newdivision is created in the foundation
Cultural committees are formed at the municipalities
The efficient cooperation of local communities can be realised.Learning about the cultures,customs,and traditions of variable nations and ethnic groups brings the acceptance of diversion closer,thus residents will be able to think together and work together for a better future.A new division in the foundation represents the multinational/multiethnic cultures by listening to their members,at the same time this division aims to convey experience and represent the common interests at board meetings.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The project aims to bring the residents of the micro-region closer and improve acceptance by spreading information about the different national customs, traditions, and cultures. By being part of a cohesive community, one may find democracy attainable which may enhance civic participation. People may realise that this path leads to a future where each individual has a say in vital decisions. Acceptance within the micro-region is of great importance in the creation of common goals and a prosperous future.

Why is this idea important to you?

I belevive in the power of the community and if we work togother we can build new power of the community. I want to give opportunity to every citizen’s to change there behaviour.
As a result of this project named the Acceptance of Other(nes)s), the efficient cooperation of local communities can be realised. Learning about the cultures, customs, and traditions of variable nations and ethnic groups brings the acceptance of diversion closer, thus residents will be able to think together and work together for a better future. A new division in the foundation represents the multinational/multiethnic cultures by listening to their members, at the same time this division aims to convey experience and represent the common interests at board meetings.

€ 62243,-

Total budget

€ 47243,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

5 performances organisation costs: 3 929 €
multiethnic festival organisation (1 time 3 day): 40 029 €
PR, marketing (project): 11 429 €
Projectleading costs: 4 286 €
Staff wage: 2 571 €
Municipality and Slovak Ethnic Municipality of Galgaguta, Municipality of Becske, Meditation and Retreat Center in Becske, Comagro Sardo Ltd.: food at the festival 15 000 € value (3 000 €/partners).
Grants not included in the budget from Partners: office and kitchen space available, organizational tasks

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We are open minded to every idea.



Idea created on May 25, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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