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Tenemos un plan - We have a plan | Civic Europe
Community development

Tenemos un plan - We have a plan

Working for the welfare of Barrio Oeste - A community development plan


Who is behind this?

Héctor Colunga Cabaleiro

Fundación Mar de niebla



Idea pitch

The creation of a community strategy with a clear goal is proposed: to facilitate that the action of the various assets and citizens of the neighborhood is aimed at promoting wellbeing in the territory.
The PDC that is presented constitutes a management tool that seeks to promote social development in this area of Gijón. In this way, it will be a tool to lay the foundations to meet the unsatisfied needs of the population and to improve the quality of life of all citizens.

Where will your project idea take place?

Gijón (Asturias), north of Spain

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The objective of the community process is to improve the well-being of the western area of ​​Gijón by involving all the agents and communities of the neighborhood.
Challenges related to education, housing, the environment, sports, leisure, urban planning, employment, training ... are identified.
During the next four years, based on reflection groups, a citizen laboratory, tables of professionals and community groups, the aim is to activate and interconnect the territory to develop the entire plan.
The key, and one of the most important elements of this process lies in the methodology that has been used.
This process has been based on participatory action research work, in which a research methodology has been applied and has been combined with a social intervention process.

Who are you doing it for?

We have a plan that is intended for the population of the western area of ​​Gijón. Popular neighborhoods with some evident inequality indicators.
The process seeks to generate an inclusive development that encourages coexistence and minimizes risk factors.
We are talking about a population of 50,000 inhabitants with some very specific contexts of vulnerability.
Incorporating all eyes is key, as it was in the diagnostic phase. Boys, girls, young people, the elderly, professionals of the territory, people in vulnerable contexts, merchants ...

How do you plan to get there?

A work structure is proposed for the implementation of this Plan, which will also serve to continuously monitor and evaluate the entire Community Development Plan.
This structure is based mainly on the methodological principles which it is proposed as a fundamental principle the participation of the whole community. A proposal is designed that contemplates the generation of several interdisciplinary spaces to facilitate coordination and collaboration in those possible programs, projects or concrete actions that may be developed related to this PDC.
The necessary role of citizen participation is clearly recognized at all levels of the organization. This participation recognizes two areas, on the one hand, that of those people who are direct recipients of each program, and on the other, that of those people or entities with the capacity to intervene who must be active subjects in the intervention, participation and those who are responsible throughout the Plan development process.
This framework recognizes three levels of management based on co-governance, with delimited functions and components in each one of them:
A Institutional table
B Intersectoral table
Constituted under the necessary presence of diversity of views and sensibilities present in the territory: Reflection groups, Professional intersectoral tables and Community comissions
C Technical team.

What are the expected results?

We will have some connected neighborhoods that work for the well-being from the proactivity.
The coordination between the agents will be more efficient and we will be able to have more predictive and preventive intervention mechanisms.
Community work will be strengthened.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

We have a plan is a process that seeks to connect diverse people, both individually and collectively. It is a liquid initiative that adapts to the needs and wishes of the community, as it is the people themselves who lead the Plan.
The facilitating team works with an eye on the process and the methodological principles that seek to care for and enhance its development.

Why is this idea important to you?

Mar de niebla is a community organization that has been building a neighborhood for more than 15 years. For 20 months, a specific community team has been constituted made up of Virginia Llano, Jonathan Varela and Héctor Colunga. People with a lot of experience in building participation processes. Virginia and Jony are neighbors of the neighborhood and both contribute the vision of social work and sociocultural animation. Hector is the director of Mar de niebla and accumulates more than 20 years leading transformative initiatives.
This facilitating team is joined by the people who make up the different spaces for participation. Neighbors, professionals, people from entities ...

€ 76016,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Personnnel costes: 62.616 €
Office expenses: 5.400 €
Materials and communication: 3.000 €
Colaborations: 5.000 €

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We love to contrast and collect ideas that help improve the process. It is an open, inclusive and permeable process. Can you help us?



Idea created on April 26, 2021
Last edit on April 26, 2021

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