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Ten Little Indians | Civic Europe
Environment and sustainability, Community development

Ten Little Indians

Coordination and support of the Civil life activity in settlements of the Southern Great Plain Region (NUTS2), monitoring, mentoring and joint professional programs for boosting the local civic life.


Who is behind this?

Ferenc Bojtos

CSEMETE Természet- és Környezetvédelmi Egyesület (Association of Nature and Environmental Protection)


Who is joining forces?

Dél-alföldi Teleházak Szövetsége (Association of Telehouses in the Southern Great Plain Region)


Magyar Máltai Szeretetszolgálat Szegedi Máltai Csoport (Charity Service of the Order of Malta – Szeged Group)


Dél-alföldi Regionális Környezetvédelmi Civil Hálózat (DARKCIH) (Civil Environmental Network of the Southern Great Plain Region)



Idea pitch

In our region Registered Civic Organisations presented mainly in the bigger cities their activity focuses in and around. Our goal is for the sake of decentralization, strengthening civic ativity, with a sustainable active network. So in our case ’The 10 Little Indians’ will not be disappear but we expect increase in the number at the end of the project. We aim 10 new registered, active civic oranisations in the monitored villages. Mentoring will be implemented through professional programs.

Where will your project idea take place?

Hungary, Southern Great Plain Region, 30 monitored villages, 10 on disadvantegeous territories.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

In Hungary, the financial sources for cohesion did not decrease the differencies between the territories of the regions, but increased them because of unequal distribution. This had an effect on communities of urban districts and villages. Citizens of small towns were left alone without any power to lobby. Besides that, civic society has been pushed into the background seriously in the last few years, which also makes it more difficult to launch any local initiative. Leaders are often not interested in the local civic initiatives, because they only see them as potential danger to their positions. There would be a great need of supporting local civic initiatives, ideas in these villages, even because they are less frequent, get less cohesion, development sources and less attention.

Who are you doing it for?

South Great Plain, our target region mainly an agricultural territory with low volumen tourism, minimum light industry. Social structure is homogen, local civic communities are similar, their problems are corresponding. They face with comparable challenges in our constantly changing environment. They face similar defiances in the globalized world. They got limited possibility to respond, they are usually distrustful with reformers and they are not really flexible. That’s why our monitoring includes all social segments. After revealing the problems we do not intend to limit or divide potential partners/associatives, enthusiastic voluntaries from any professional angle or to any little groups. In 30 villages an estimated number of 60 thousand people will be involved throughout our project.

How do you plan to get there?

Steps of implementation:
1.Survey: In 30 villages, with questionnaires and with detailed interviews, mapping the relevant issues, challenges. Get to know the local civic activity, the active citizens.
2.Estabilishing, strenghtening organised background: In 10 villages helping the civic base
to reach a level where they can cooperate and organise within the community. It can be a registered organisation, not-registered civic cooperation, or helping an exsisting but inactive citizens engagement to be active, or support the locally active citizens.
3.Enhance civic activity, engagement, participation: Carrying out our idea is not just
providing know how. We actualize the learning process by dealing with local challenges. Support local pilot projects with our organisation’s contribution.

What are the expected results?

As a result with our idea at least in 10 villages we will help to estabilish stable and deeply embedded active civic organisations so they will be able to represent their local issues, implements, initiatives. The most important for us is that a year after the program on the regional meetings and events not only the known civic organisations could be seen, but the regions local small towns and villages with their own organisations too. If we could see how these newborn engagemnets are brave enough to stand up and represent success in the important, local cases. Another aim is to see forming different opinions and how the civic engagements win more and more freedom.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

In the project we survey the demand of local communities, we teach how they can manage their local challenges, what democratical tools they can use as Civic Organisation. Where there was none, we help local cohesion reach a level where they can organise their own association. Local civic citizens with own organisation can show stronger cohesion. They can represent their interesrs better in front of the local leaders. For the sake of the change we try to find and prepare the most enthusiastic and active members of the communities, who have strenght and skills to represent their local interests. With our experiances we want to encourage, support them, help them to find their inner Civic courage so after the project ends they can represent their own point of view in front of the Government.

Why is this idea important to you?

CSEMETE Association constantly meet the unequalities between the regions with different development levels, financial potencials, but also because of the societal disadvantages. They face challenges in mobility and civic advocacy areas too. In our programmes we always search the opportunities for activities that need cooperation. But finding the suitable locally rooted partners is a challenge each time. The demand from the local civic community is often there but they lack the proper knowledge and experience which is needed for the start. Since the foundation of CSEMETE Association 7 native, independent Civic Organisation and 1 beyond border emerged from our inner divisions. We manage to implement the best cooperations with them. This new idea is another in the line of our history.

€ 46695,-

Total budget

€ 46695,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

costs of authority procedures 1500 EUR, commercials, publicity 1145 EUR, publications, print costs 1750 EUR, personal costs -project coordination 8570 EUR, personal costs -administration 6850 EUR, personal costs -service contracts, experts honoraies 3000 EUR,
current expenses -office rent, communal consuption 3450 EUR, travel costs 3500 EUR, office expenses, material costs 2400 EUR, pilot project launching -10 project 5400 EUR, catering, vehicle equipment 8145 EUR, travelling exhibition 985 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We welcome any comments based on experience, good practice from those who participated in launching Civic Organisations in rural areas with similar conditions especially in the fields of dealing with official processes, enhance or motivate civic activity and who have experience avoiding obstacles.



Idea created on May 26, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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