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Sustainable Human Rights Development Program | Civic Europe

Sustainable Human Rights Development Program

Education influences on development of human rights knowledge and mechanisms, as well as attitudes and skills, society democratization and idea spread of a responsible and active democratic citizen.


Who is behind this?

Ivana Šag

Association for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights Humanum


Who is joining forces?

Elementary School A. Kanižlića Požega


Elementary School D. Cesarića Požega


Elementary School J. Kempfa Požega


Partners will provide relevant data of students, teachers and space. School staff will participate in training to acquire knowledge and competencies for self-design and promotion for development.


Idea pitch

Education for sustainable human rights development, building the knowledge and skills necessary for life, which others after us can continue to lead will be conducted through educational - interactive workshops. 4 thematic moduls. Responsible coexistence with other people is best learned through the upbringing and education of children in schools. Once adopted, habits will be difficult to "evaporate", but certainly, again they depend on the whole society and the state of consciousness within it.

Where will your project idea take place?

Požega-Slavonia County region with a development index ≥75% and ≤ 100% of the average of Croatia

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The profound socio-economic changes which occurred in the transition period led to the appearance of disorientation of individuals and social groups in new social circumstances and to distrust in the social system, the system of fundamental values, and increased feeling of marginalization and inability to participate in decision-making life. Požega-Slavonia County is at the top in terms of the alienation of people in society in relation to the average of Croatia and the EU. Numerous surveys conducted in recent years on the attitudes, values and knowledge of young people in Croatia show a worrying level of ignorance of their own rights and responsibilities, the way government institutions function and a tendency towards authoritarian and undemocratic actions in certain situations.

Who are you doing it for?

The target group are students of the 8th grade of the elementary schools of the City of Požega and other regional schools of County, min 50 students. The attitudes of students, teachers and principals showed that the existing education does not contribute enough to the realization of the goals of education for democratic citizenship. Textbooks do not provide enough information about the democratic political system and do not sufficiently encourage the "exercise of democracy" and action for the common good.The target group are also teachers and employees of professional services of schools as a key segment of the education system, since they are the mediators of knowledge, skills and attitudes that are important for the development of students as future key actors in a democratic society.

How do you plan to get there?

Predicted methods of project implementation are group thematic-educational workshops in 4 separate modules for students and teachers which seek and aim to promote non-violence, tolerance, solidarity, social responsibility, responsible management of personal finances and respect for human rights while taking an active role in advocating human rights, preserving cultural heritage, preserving and protecting the environment and developing human values ​​based on acceptance and inclusion diversity. Acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge about democratic culture with the aim of developing active-responsible students encouraged to be involved in the community and proactively work with local authorities while respecting the principles of tolerance and respect for themselves and others.

What are the expected results?

Educated students of 8th grade will be created to live in accordance with the values ​​of sustainable social, economic, cultural and environmental development of the local County, Republic of Croatia, the EU and the world as a result of this project. This will be result of the development of a range of competencies and attitudes based on critical thinking, seeking creative solutions, active and constructive participation in the development of society, decision-making at all levels, inclusiveness and openness to dialogue with others. The added value of this project is reflected in the social change that will occur through the connection and joint action of CSOs and schools, as well as through the development of dialogue with decision makers and policy makers at the local and national level.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

In relation to the described challenge, this program will make lokal society pluralistic, active, inclusive and open by placing human rights and encouraging the active participation of citizens, ie children, and its citizens responsible and full members of the community, able to bring informed and thoughtful decisions on important issues for the society in which they live and operate. By including sustainable development in all levels of the education system, it will directly contribute to the level of youth participation in society and their participation in decision-making processes, thus representing one of the most important preconditions for encouraging social engagement of young people.

Why is this idea important to you?

If we want to live in a truly democratic society, we must provide generations with more content that encourages democratic thinking, which among all the settings, should definitely include: respect for other people with respect for the environment and the right to equality, but also equality in the use of resources. the right to information, including those that enable awareness of the situation in society and awareness of ways to change bad habits of life, or society. These are all settings, ie values ​​that should certainly be implemented in the education of today's children, because the world still rests on young people. All that matters is what kind of world we leave them.

€ 44959,-

Total budget

€ 44959,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Personel costs (employee salaries, external collaborators): 33.543
Public relations: 5.417
Equipment costs: 621
Travel and accomodation costs: 1.902
Office expenses: 3.476

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Every advice, suggestion, comment or feedback is desirable.
Partnership proposals as well.





Idea created on May 18, 2020
Last edit on May 20, 2020

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