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STREET “MUSIC” - "Yellow Roze ZONE” | Civic Europe
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STREET “MUSIC” - "Yellow Roze ZONE”

The project idea is to focus on street musicians and artists and their role in civil society


Who is behind this?

Ivelina Dzambazova

Zonta Club Sofia


Idea pitch

The activities of the project will be coordinated by Zonta Club Sofia and will involve participants who have chosen their stage in various lively places, fitting their art in an unusual and colorful way to the urban environment. These are people of different ages: from children and students - to the elderly / men and women /; amateurs and professionals, performing solo or in groups in a variety of genres, all united by the decision to express themselves freely to a random audience.

Where will your project idea take place?

Sofia, Bulgaria

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Modern people are in a hurry and busy and do not have time to enjoy the world around them and the beauty in the details in it. The lack of humanity and empathy for the people on the street speaks of the division in society, which is especially observed in the big city.
The project is aimed at these people in order to be detached from everyday life and to pay attention to living life, people and art around them.

Who are you doing it for?

The project is focused mainly on artists in the streets in our capital - at least 100 people who will feel significant and part of society life , will be sympathetic to the ideas of Zonta against violence, will have the opportunity to receive job offers and performances.

How do you plan to get there?

We plan to contact these people, to unite them, inviting to join a specially designed for the project STREET MUSIC - ZONE OF THE YELLOW ROSE / "Street Yellow Rose Area" / online platform and to attract them to the highly humane and noble causes of Zonta International by organizing meetings, events, and participation in celebrations related to significant events of the organization.
Within the project we will realize a flash mob with different artists, which will be an attraction for both Sofia citizens and foreign guests. Recently flash mob has become a real social phenomenon around the world. The idea is a group of people /e.g. dancers, musicians, artists / to gather in a public place and start singing and dancing in front of unexpecting passers-by - the lucky ones who found themselves right there and at the right time.

What are the expected results?

In one year, we believe we can help at least 80 street performers, including women, raise the spirits and self-confidence of citizens and society members by encouraging their creativity, by involving them in non-violence campaigns, engaging them in Zonta landmark initiatives. To encourage more women to become part of the urban artistic area and to give them an equal chance for development on an equal footing with men.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Many artists from this target group feel oppressed, underestimated and outsiders, despite their work and talent. With our project we want to give a clear signal to society about their importance and their ability to contribute to social life in the city.

Why is this idea important to you?

The team behind Street Music has 25 years experience in implementing numerous projects related to charity, combating violence, supporting the educational and career development of young people, initiating the publication of books, producing films, exhibitions and other cultural events. . The members of Zonta Club Sofia are prominent women in the field of art, culture, science, education and law, who are well acquainted with the ongoing processes in society.
This idea is important for them, because it appeals to those social strata of the population who cannot find their realization, especially in Covid pandemic conditions. Restrictions, imposed by it, have negative impact on the psyche of all people and engaging these artists will help both them and their audience not to feel isolated

€ 33700,-

Total budget

€ 33700,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Rent € 1,200
Communication costs € 260
Costs for training € 1,500
Costs for events and technical equipment – € 10,740
Network online platform (establishment & maintenance) € 2,400
Visibility and publicity - € 1,600
Local Project Coordinator (part-time 40%) € 2,800
Programme and Operations management € 13,200
Total all: € 33,700

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We will be grateful if we receive from the Civic Europe comments on our proposal, as well as relevant recommendations regarding our activities implementation in order to achieve the desired civic cohesion.


Zonta Club Sofia

Idea created on April 8, 2021

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