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Social inclusion, Community development


Our art as a tangible and useful way of (self-)expression, communication, cohesion and social transformation for groups at risk of exclusion due to their location, infrastructure, means and resources.


Who is behind this?

Manuel González



Who is joining forces?

TACHAN TEATRO ( Isabel Ciria )

Tachán Teatro


Tachán Teatro: We are an entity that works in the cultural field with great experience in socio-cultural projects based on education through the performing arts (theater, forum theater) and music.


Idea pitch

In Aragon there are three of the areas with the highest demographic resilience index in Spain, whose small towns have been deeply forgotten by the national government, suffering a difficult coexistence among its inhabitants (elderly people, immigrants and local youth) and the passivity of the government to face of its infrastructure and service needs.
Our aim is to listen to them and then give them tools to express their opinion and reality through the artistic disciplines we use.

Where will your project idea take place?

Municipalities of Aragon with less than 3,000 inhabitants and decreasing population density

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

We are facing municipalities with a high number of elderly people, shortage of births and, therefore, of child and youth population, the latter sentenced to go elsewhere for their educational and professional develop if they intend to work in another sector different from agriculture, livestock or small industry (just in case of existing one in their own municipality or in others close to it); in the last 20 years the existing industry has moved to more accessible environments and closer to large cities: it means fewer jobs in these environments where we want to reach. At the same time the only way to increase demographics in these places is focused on the immigrant community, specially on social aspects and matters of language and cultural differences.

Who are you doing it for?

Our project is focused on intergenerational groups that live in the same municipality with a demographic density of less than 3,000 inhabitants of the Autonomous Community of Aragon until reaching a total number of fifteen municipalities distributed in the three provinces, five localities in each of them.

How do you plan to get there?

Our aim are to do a forum theater action, to compose a rap song lyrics and to make a video clip of it. All activities are intergenerational and will be made by the participating members of each municipality. Each town will enjoy these 3 activities during 3 different days.
At the same time we will record a micro documentary interviewing 3 people from each municipality and reaching all the districts participating in the project. The interview questions will be the same everywhere, as a way of direct and tangible evaluation in the short term.
Through the project website, we will connect municipalities physically distant, but with common circumstances and problems. This website will reflect the exposed activities and an introduction of each locality including the social-community plan.

What are the expected results?

First of all, it would be a success that the participants feel fulfilled and empowered as a community to a greater extent after our passage.
Secondly we would like to show the community social composition of these places and lead them to interconnections between the participating municipalities, not only through the web, but also generating some social, cultural, etc. proposal, such a interchanges or collaborative work between the participating municipalities.
Finally, we aim to have a media impact with the information we send to public administrations and politicians in such a positive way that can be translated into actions that contribute to giving life to these places and to financing a second edition of this project in other places with the same problem or similar projects.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Through our activities we can know the problems that concern the community of each municipality. We will strengthen local democracy with them, giving voice to their collectives, neighbors and social layers and transforming that voice into an artistic, critical and tangible material in which they feel reflected. We will achieve an interconnection between all the participants through a web platform, strengthening the ties between the different participating municipalities. We will show in the web the material made by each town and at the same time they will have their onw presentation letter describing their demographic, geographic and social situation (groups, resources, ...).
We will send compiled materials and an evaluation report to the regional institutions at the end of the project.

Why is this idea important to you?

Another common point that we have not mentioned before is that the main promoters of this project, Manuel González (born in 1976), from Rap Academia, and Isabel Ciria (born in 1987), from Tachán Teatro, belong to that generation of young people who had to leave their towns where we were born and where we lived during the first stages of their life.
To the best of our ability, we would like to avoid that the new generations have to suffer the same we suffered in those days: to be forced to leave their home and their small towns to get an education that allows them to grow professionally for checking later the difficulties involved in trying to return to that place and to see it depopulated, without social nor labor resources that, if they are not reversed, will eventually disappear.

€ 44000,-

Total budget

€ 44000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

-Design & Creation of new materials
-Production and execution


AUDIOVISUAL: 10375´75€

-Media Plan / Marketing / Brand Design
-Time Plannning/ Schedule
-Project management & Coordination
-Financial Accounting
-Documentation (Projecto Report)


Manuel González

Idea created on May 9, 2020
Last edit on May 9, 2020

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