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ST.OP._APP! | Civic Europe
Community development, Youth participation and empowerment


(STrategies, OPportunities and dangers of APPs)


Who is behind this?

Donato Marchioni

Associazione Carpe Diem



Idea pitch

The ST.O.P. APP is a project mainly dedicated teenagers. In cooperation with two high schools in Sora, we'd like to activate training and information meetings open to students, parents and teachers, to deal with topics related to the dangers of the network such as cyberbullying, scams, online solicitation, paedophilia, credit cards, sexestortion, protection of privacy, copyright and related topics. Meetings will take place inside schools from September 2021.

Where will your project idea take place?

Sora, central Italy

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The project aims to promote a media education that can inform and clarify the phenomena related to an improper use of the web and the technologies available today. Specifically, we want to deal with illegal phenomena such as: hate speech, cyberbullying, cyberstalking, cyberpedofilia, reverenge porn, sexting, phishing, Deep web. Internet remains an INDISPENSABLE tool, and it is essential for parents, teachers and adults who have to deal with minors to know all its potential and be familiar with some aspects that can no longer be relegated to the "experts" in order to properly educate their children or their students to a proper use of the network for example, what's net reputation, media education, browser, fishing, chat, sexting, virus, sicurezza informatica, adBlock, Privacy tools ecc.

Who are you doing it for?

The meetings target will be a group of 160 students and 100 teachers and parents. In each school we will organise 2 meetings. Each meeting will last 4 hours.
Meeting no. 1 (only for teachers and parents)
Topics: Reflection on the use of the Web
The main existing Social Networks.
Reflection on the risks linked to the use of Social Networks, Internet and e-mail.
Discussion on issues related to Cyberbullying, Child Pornography, Privacy, Video Game and Internet Addiction Disorders, Online Risks (paedophilia, Blue Whale and ISIS)
Meeting no. 2 (only for students)
Topics:Preventing Cyberbullying and educating to manage emotions, The main virtual risks: copyright risks; Internet and video game addiction; downloading pornography and child pornography.

How do you plan to get there?

Step 1) - September - October 2021
Organising with high schools headmasters and the professional experts involved the meetings calendar;
Step 2) October 2021
1 Meeting dedicated to teachers and parents will take place in each school.
Topics: Reflection on the use of the Web
The main existing Social Networks.
Reflection on the risks linked to the use of Social Networks, Internet and e-mail.
Discussion on issues related to Cyberbullying, Child Pornography, Privacy, Video Game and Internet Addiction Disorders, Online Grooming Risks (paedophilia, Blue Whale and ISIS)

Step 3) November 2021
1 meeting dedicated to students will take place in each school.
Topics:Preventing Cyberbullying and educating to manage emotions in interpersonal relationships; The main virtual risks: copyright risks; Internet and video game addiction; downloading pornography and child pornography.

Step 4) December 2021
The Follow up step will involve parents to collect their impression through an online questionnaire.

What are the expected results?

We are planning the activation of short training and information actions to promote an aware usage of IT and communication technologies among young people, families and schools. This type of project is closely related to the need to promote measures to combat school drop-out and support the use of new information technologies and responsible access to the Internet.
The aim, of course, is not to deprive, limit or increase fears but to promote a conscious, safe usage of the web in order to increase digital skills, seize the opportunities offered and train the future digital citizens of tomorrow.
We are sure that teachers and parents will appreciate a lot this kind of training because they will be provided of important tools to face such problems.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

If young people are aware about the risks and dangers but also the opportuinities provided by the usage of internet, they will for sure improve the quality of their life, pretending respect and preserving themselves from web crimes.

Why is this idea important to you?

Our association cooperates wih a team of IT experts, psychologists, lawyers who have got a wide experience in this field. Moreover we will have the support of teachers and headmasters to realise the project.

€ 18000,-

Total budget

€ 18000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Human resources:
(admistrators, accounting, project manager, public relators, graphic designers, etc.) €14000

Office rental costs € 1200
Covid-19 masks and igyenizer material for all the partecipnts €800,00
Third party insurance € 300,00
Rental costs for IT tools € 700,00
Advertising material € 1000,00

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

PLease indicate if the project is achievable also in other countries and in other local areas.

Team Carpe Diem

Idea created on April 26, 2021

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