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Stop the gap! | Civic Europe
Community development, Gender equality, Quality Education, Critical think

Stop the gap!

Critical thinking and a Manifesto for gender equality


Who is behind this?

Maria Napoletano



Idea pitch

It's a fact: women and men do not have the same opportunities. But, how can we change this? Let's start from scratch: write a manifesto, build an active community with actors with different ideas, let's communicate with civil society and go into schools, using critical thinking to reflect about grassroots solutions and initiatives. These actions will aim at creating an active intergenerational group of different-minded individuals, and make a change in the local environment (Aversa).

Where will your project idea take place?

My project will take place in Aversa, a city of 60.000 inhabitants in Southern Italy.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Campania is a region in Southern Italy, a relatively very catholic and conservative region, with static gender roles. Data about the job market underline the higher unemployment of women in all different sectors. The three main challenges in my region are: Ineffective policies, "housewife culture" and "chauvinism".
The three problems together, combined, create obstacles in the personal and professional growth of women. These prevent women to participate in society and, therefore, corrupt democracy and societal cohesion. That's why I think, acting on the culture, there will be positive results for participation in civil society.

Who are you doing it for?

Everyone. In the group, there will be a representation of how the society of Aversa is formed. There will be young people and older ones. People that do not like the word "feminist" and who considers it to be a necessary concept. Migrants and II generation citizens. Components of the government will contribute to the dialogue, together with actors from civil society and NGOs, teachers and educators and business experts. NGOs will be involved from the first stages of the project. The target will be Aversa citizens, especially young people in schools that will benefit from the critical thinking workshops. A moderator will always be part of the group.

How do you plan to get there?

1. Participants research and team building; 2. Manifesto draft and approval; 3. Awareness campaign; 4. Critical thinking workshops in school.
The first step will be a campaign and network research to find participants interested in taking part in the dialogue initiatives. Support will be asked to the local government for spaces in which the discussion can start.
The second step is the draft of a manifesto explaining the aims of the initiative. It will be published on media, social media and website of the Initiative.
The third will be a communication campaign, with simple and direct messages.
The fourth will be the preparation and progress of workshops in school about critical thinking.

What are the expected results?

I planned different indicators for different moments. The first indicator in M2 will be the number of people that decided to participate in the project.
After the manifesto draft and publication, there will be an analysis of the satisfaction of participants to the group and a second one about the impact of the communication of the manifesto.
The same evaluation will be done after the start of the workshops in school (after each workshop and a follow-up 1month).
The goal is to have involved, after 1 year, at least 40 very active actors, and 7 schools reached. The people taking part in the project will have changed (be more self-conscious, gained skills, feel empowered), students will have gained critical thinking skills and democracy will be strengthened (quantity-quality indicators).

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

By creating an intergenerational and intercultural group, with people coming from all professional sectors and city neighbourhoods, the project aims at empowering women and men by talking about problems and find common solutions, using a horizontal decision-making process and leaving no one behind. The group that will work together, reach a common agreement and talk with other local entities as one group, will be an example of participation in the territory, and bring ideas of inclusion and democracy inside schools, showing a concrete examples of these ideas.

Why is this idea important to you?

I am a woman and I've read my first feminist book (Simone de Beauvoir - The second sex) when I was 15. Since that moment, something changed, and I understood one thing: women have to change the structural inequality created in the past. To do this, women need to create a dialogue around it, stimulate critical thinking (that's how it's connected to the bigger picture), talk about problems and think about the causes. New means of communication have to be used, and a new generation of conscious young people has to grow. I am motivated, passionate and fierce (if I need to). I do know I have the skills and I'm ready to use my time for others. I need your support, and together, we can do this!

€ 12700,-

Total budget

€ 12700,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

G-suite 300
Designers 700
Rent co-working spaces 4.800
Print 1000
ADS - MKTG 3.400
Travel expenses 1000
Events 1500



Idea created on May 16, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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